• God Is There


    You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, LORD, do I seek.” Psalm 27:8



    Fall in Pennsylvania is amazing.

    From my home going North involves mountains (or big hills; I am from Delaware, they all look like mountains to me.). Going up and coming down, there are many turns.

    As I was driving this past weekend, several times I got around a curve and was the top of a mountain. The beauty in the view was breathtaking!

    Immediately, I would praise God or thank Him. I didn’t have to think about it or plan for it. It was a spontaneous response to the beauty. I see His handiwork in the vibrant colors, put together in a way that no human could plan.

    Words and Worship

    I was going to speak at a church in Mt. Carmel, PA.  In that quaint town, the scenery all around was beautiful. So were the women who approached me to thank me for the Word of God being taught. So was the music the musicians planned for the day. So were the voices of 50+ women singing praises to God. Even the encouragement I received from the committee who planned the retreat, was beautiful to me.

    It was a day where I felt like the face of God was evident in all my circumstances.

    Sunday, I went to my own church. The worship in song, the preaching of God’s Word, and the fellowship with others God has brought to our congregation are for me real times of seeing God and hearing from Him.

    Seeking and Finding (or not)

    In all of these times, I was seeking, and finding, the face of God. I could not point to His eyes or His ears. I could not see His smile or frown. But, I believe that this is the face of God that He shows us all the time, the beauty around us, the encouragement of others, the joy of fellowship. Often, we miss Him because our minds are not on Him.

    I wonder how often I have missed His face in  beautiful sights because I was preoccupied with some unimportant worry. How many blessings do I miss when I teach because I am more concerned about my clothes and lipstick, than I am about the meaning of the Words falling on the women I am teaching? How much of a sermon do I miss because my mind is not on things above?

    Just like the leaves on my drive, God’s face is around every turn in life. He says that if we are seeking Him, we will find Him (Proverbs 8:17).

    This trip I saw Him because I was seeking Him. Last time, next time, the time after that? If our minds are not set on things above, we miss Him. Even in the bleakest of circumstances He says we will find Him (Acts 17:27-28). We will see the blessings and rejoice in His goodness.

    Where are you seeking God’s face? He is right there.