Mankind does not change. In the exodus from Egypt, after fighting with a wicked Pharaoh for a long time, God parts the Red Sea so that the Israelites can cross it. He then takes out the pursuing Egyptian soldiers by allowing the water to return to the river bed. (Exodus 14).
Within weeks the Israelites are complaining and accusing God of bringing them into this pilgrimage to the Promised Land so He could starve them (Exodus 17:2-3). As they grumbled and complained they looked for God’s blessing.
Making his point that prayer cannot be antinomian (without or against the law), R.J. Rushdoony says, “We can pray that sinners be converted, but not that they be blessed in their lawlessness. We can pray for God’s blessing on our obedience, but not for a blessing on disobedience.”
The greatest blessing God bestows on anyone is salvation. Culturally, He is considered as a harsh God because people go to Hell when they fail to repent and turn from their sin. The truth is that He is full of grace, offering His Son as our substitute for the penalty for our sin. He gladly rescues those who trust Him to do so.
Usually though, when Americans are saying, “God bless America” or singing the song, salvation is not what they are asking from Him. I am sure it’s different for everyone who says or sings it but the general tone seems to be a plea to get us out of the mess we are in. This is a huge “mess” that looks like the judgment of God that has come upon us because we have taken Him out of our culture and replaced Him with various little, dead, powerless gods that keep us from deserving the grace of God as a nation.
Like the Israelites as they journeyed to the Promised Land, God has been patient with us, continuing for years to bless us and remind us of His presence. Nationally this went unnoticed or worse, noticed and rejected because people’s hearts are desperately wicked and sinful…an attribute of humans that does not change (Jeremiah 17:9).
From the blood of well over 60 million aborted babies, to the ignoring of God’s warnings about sexual immorality, unjust warfare, serving multiple gods (money, sports, the perfect house or garden, etc.) and the understanding of the sinful nature that all mankind is born with, we have abandoned our God and invited His wrath.
The good news about Him is that he is a forgiving God. The faithful God. The Compassionate God. The just God.
Consider this verse:
Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9
This verse indicates that the state of our nation can be turned around. It will take a lot of time and teaching and preaching and conversations inside and outside the Church, a lot of obedience to “go and tell.”
There is a study that says 87% of American households own multiple Bibles. Less than 1/3 of those actually read it even once a month.
We live in a time reminiscent of the time of Amos when he proclaimed,” “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord GOD, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the LORD” (Amos 8:11)
In this day of famine of the Word of God in our land, are we willing to teach it, first to our own children and families, to our neighbors, to the man we talk to on the street? Not banging them over the head with it but working in our biblical understanding of how it speaks to all of life in any conversation we have?
Grumbling and complaining about this work as we seek God’s blessing has proven fruitless. Yes, the process will be slow but our God keeps His word and continues to bless obedience.
Let’s work for the glory of God that brings blessings to His people.