He had lost a lot. His house was being repossessed. His company had failed. He was seeking housing he could afford. I asked that age old question: “How are you doing?”
His immediate response was, “Oh, you don’t know? “Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God!”
When I assured him I did, indeed, know that but I was still concerned for him and his wife, he comforted me in my concern! He assured me that they were not lacking anything they needed.
In fact, the details of his story were amazing. He had lost all of that but the Lord had poured out blessings in the way the bank was responding, how He had brought him work, and the help from other people and His church.
God proved His faithfulness through the testimony of this man. His understanding truly was unsearchable!
This man demonstrated a deep faith! He also demonstrated a thankfulness that we don’t witness in our culture very often. He knew what his material losses were but he had a better understanding of what his spiritual rewards were. He was trusting God minute by minute to provide for him and his wife.
His marriage, his family, his faith, and fellowship with other believers were all intact. He was thanking God during our conversation for all of these things.
This happened a few years ago when the economy was tanking. They seem to be doing fine today (though I haven’t asked lately!). As I was thinking about Thanksgiving coming and how stressed out so many of us get with the coming of the holidays, I was reminded of this man’s words to me.
I want to repeat them for you as he had quoted them from scripture: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God!” The Bible completes his thought: “the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable” (Isaiah 40:28)
Regardless of what we are facing this Thanksgiving, “will we,” (and we need to examine our thoughts; “are we willing”) to thank God for the blessings He continues to give His own children as we face the challenges of a fallen world?
It is in giving thanks that we can find the peace and joy we hear so much about – but rarely experience – at this time of year. The One who does not faint or grow weary understands and will provide for our needs.
How thankful should we be?