Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. Proverbs 19:21
The plans had to be changed at the last minute.
It was a missions trip that our daughter’s friend was looking forward to for months. Going to a country she had always wanted to go to and doing ministry with children; her dream work.
The week before the group was to leave, there was unrest in the country and the leaders were told not to come.
Rather than cancel completely, a resourceful leader looked for another place to serve. There was plenty of need and the plans were rearranged quickly.
When our daughter came home and told us about this change of plans, I felt so sorry for her friend who had been planning to go. She had excitedly talked about it most of the school year. It was early March when the plans got changed.
As my daughter reported the change I said how sorry I was for her friend. The way she had excitedly talked about the trip most of the year made me understand she would be disappointed.
“No, Mom!” was our daughter’s immediate response. “She said she was really excited because when God changes your plans you know it is going to be better!”
It was immediately clear that this was true and that this 17 year old, high school junior had a very mature faith. What a great attitude and understanding of the goodness of God and His protection of His people.
This truth has come back to me repeatedly, reminding me that change is not bad. God is sovereign. God is good. He is always looking out for the good of His people. Nothing is going to happen where we are going that He is unaware of.
The fact that He would keep us from going someplace is a gift, a reward for our faith.
The amazing thing is that this does not have to be a truth we only apply to some great missions trip being planned by church leaders. If we are planning a day of grocery shopping and errands and get interrupted before we ever leave the house or at our first stop…is God sovereign over such minor details?
If we are ready to spend a day writing or working on the computer and it crashes before our very eyes, could God have another plan for our day (or some portion of it)? What kind of attitude do we show others on that day?
There are so many minor disturbances in our days, I remember one day asking my husband how his day had gone. He answered me, “Today, my interruptions got interrupted!”
Will we honor God in every interruption of our plans to welcome His new plan? I pray we would all adopt the faith of this 17 year old girl. “When God changes our plans, it’s always better.”