• Simple Virtue



    As I walked into the living room my three year old grandson proudly pointed me to his newly built block “castle.” I barely had a word out before the twenty two month old granddaughter kicked it down. All that work to create a thing of beauty was destroyed with the stroke of a little leg. He was devastated.

    R.C. Sproul’s commentary on Romans 14 illustrates this principle of how long and hard it is to build something back up with the Twin Towers in New York. They took a little longer than those blocks to actually crumble, but it was significantly faster than rebuilding could be.

    This principle can be applied to many things. Parenting and marriage relationships come to mind. When parents are more concerned with punishment than with training, a lot of pain may be inflicted on a child. The “pain” has more purpose when it is intended and taught to correct and increase the knowledge and understanding that actions have consequences.

    In a marriage, the tearing down of a spouse verbally does significantly more harm to a spouse than rational conversations to work out a problem.

    There is a Drag Queen story hour happening in the city of Lancaster, Pa this Saturday. When this was happening in our own area I was stunned by the description the library posted regarding “reading and lap sitting.” If a straight man asked a library if he could read to children and have them sit on his lap, the rejection of the idea would have been an immediate “NO!” There would have been an obvious “ick factor” that would warn a librarian to protect the child.

    But, when a drag queen offers, it is seen as “diversity and inclusiveness, kindness and love through LGBTQ+ literature for young readers.” The age group targeted is “Babies, toddlers, children, everyone.”

    These story hours are a direct effort of the LGBTQ community to tear down God’s design for man and woman. They work to tear down the family structure that God has laid out in His Word. We should all be for kindness and love but that involves truth. It is unkind and unloving to deliberately tear down the structure that has been proven again and again to raise up stronger, more successful, and mentally stable children.

    Have we forgotten what it is that drag queens do when they are not at a library? It is not the kind of “entertainment” that children will understand or benefit from (neither do adults).

    Here are links to two reminders of the message of the drag queen movement:



    Parents, please take care of the little minds of your children. We are quick to ask God to protect us from evil but sometimes slow to obey His commands to teach our children His Word. In 2 Kings 5 , the man Naaman wanted to be healed of leprosy. When he learned that it could be done by washing in the Jordan he refused to do it. He knew what he needed to do, but thought he was above it.  It seemed too simple.

    Parents and librarians know that this event on Saturday will not be a edifying for anyone but they will go and they will encourage their children to enjoy it – so they can be seen by men as “kind and loving” and thus signal their virtue.  A simpler virtue would be to stay home with the kids and play a board game.

    We are to love our neighbors. Drag queens do not become such because they are healthy adults looking for a “kind and loving” pastime. They have been “kicked down” by something in their lives. The Word of God can build them up.

    We can build up our kids and we can build up drag queens using the same Source for the building…the Word of God. It is truly “kind and loving.”

    And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32