• Close to HIS Heart

    Behold, the Lord GOD comes with might, and His arm rules for Him; behold, His reward is with Him, and His recompense before Him.

    He will tend his flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in His arms; He will carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.  Isaiah 40:10 – 11


    If we read these two verses without knowing anything about God we might think they were describing two different Gods. He is One God with many facets of His being.


    Isaiah makes it clear that it is just as important to understand God’s might as it is to understand His gentle care of His people.


    In these verses Isaiah is reassuring Israel that God will take care of them even though they will be exiled in Babylon. Verse 10 describes what He will do to their enemies who are holding them and then verse 11 gives them a beautiful picture of how He will, like a gentle shepherd, gather His lambs and carry them close to His heart – even as they are living under His judgment!


    Do you ever wonder about how God protects us – or why?   I love the idea of His power and might against His enemies and mine.  It is a very secure feeling to know that He is so much more powerful than Satan or any earthly opposition that I face that I need not be concerned about their power.  I need to rely on His power.


    It is a completely other thing for me to really understand that He considers His children lambs that He will not just protect, but carry close to His heart!  He tends His flock like a Shepherd.  Shepherds have to be constantly thinking about and watching over their flocks so that they don’t stray. When they do stray the shepherd will leave the flock to find the lost one.


    God’s love is like this.  It is personal. Each of His children is valuable and loved, carried close to His heart.  The Almighty, Most Holy, Incomprehensible God of the universe loves you and me individually.  He knows all there is to know about us. He will protect us. He will convict us of sin so we are not separated from Him.


    God is Greater than any power that attacks us and will defend us with His mighty arm – because He loves us – not because He wants to show off His power or because of any merit of ours.


    Even when, in just judgment, God convicts us of sin or uses His Mighty resources to turn us away from temptation, He is loving us for our good and His glory. How thankful are you and I for so great a love?


    Are you a child of God? If so, then you are close to His heart.                                                                                                                                                                       It is a great place to be.