Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work? Proverbs 24:11-12
“It’s not my issue.” This was my thought anytime I heard someone speak about abortion (not that often).
I came to faith in my late thirties and started attending an evangelical church at about forty. Once a year, they invited the local crisis pregnancy center to speak. I filled baby bottles with change, prayed in church that morning, and on Monday, I went back to, “It’s not my issue.”
Now I see where that kind of thinking and praying has gotten us. Abortion is still legal according to man’s law – it never was according to God’s Law. We have legalized abortion up to a number of weeks into the pregnancy. This reinforces the thinking that a child in the womb needs a separate set of laws, they are not considered a human under, “You shall not murder.”
In the meantime, we have regulated the cleanliness and the width of the hallways in “abortion clinics.” We have spent too much money raising funds and legislating these regulations, and variations on the way an abortion can be accomplished.
All while I, and many Christians like me, sat back saying, “It’s not my issue,” as I thanked those who did the lobbying for this legislation.
Three years ago God introduced me (and the church I attend) to “AHA” or “Abolish Human Abortion.” My eyes are opened. I have a new understanding of the incremental roll-back that we have been brain-washed into believing is the only way to win this war against the legalized murder of babies.
58 MILLION (and counting) have been murdered in the United States. When the Roe v Wade decision was made by the Supreme Court, I was a secular kid who thought that these intelligent, thinking, men must have a better understanding about babies in the womb than I was capable of having. I trusted them, foolishly.
Anyway, it wasn’t my issue.
God, by placing several (vocal) “AHA” (Abolish Human Abortion) abolitionists in earshot, has completely changed my thinking on this subject. You can learn more about them here: If you would like to understand the “incremantalism” I am seeing as a sham, please watch this video.
I know children are expensive. I know they can come along at times that interrupt some of our biggest plans. I also know they are a gift from the Lord. I know that He will provide for (and to the abolitionists’ credit, they are happy to be the means God uses to help) a woman in financial or emotional crises when she turns away from abortion.
While many of us were sitting back thinking that abortion is not our issue, too many have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience and comfort for the prospective parents. Could we have been the help someone needed?
I don’t think that every Christian needs to be standing at an abortion mill pleading for the lives of babies. There is plenty of work to do, especially as legislation is proposed to make abortion illegal in our states (as already done in OK and TX, others are trying).
We are living in the middle of a holocaust of innocent babies. They have no voices, they have few advocates, and their Moms need help!
Christian, it is our issue.