• How Long?

    How long do we have to wait to see the knowledge of the glory of the Lord covering the earth as the waters cover the sea? (Psalm 72:19; Habakkuk 2:14; Isaiah 11:9). How will it ever happen?

    As Habakkuk was watching and waiting for the Chaldeans to attack Judah in God’s judgment, God offered Habakkuk this hope of eventual deliverance when the Chaldeans would be ruined by God’s judgment of them. God gives Habakkuk this promise; “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

    In his commentary Matthew Henry says, “It was the honour of God, as a God of impartial justice and irresistible power; for by the ruin of the Chaldean monarchy (which all the world could not but take notice of) the earth was filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, v. 14. The Lord is known by these judgments which he executes, especially when he is pleased to look upon proud men and abase them, for he thereby proves himself to be God alone. “ (Job 40:11, 12.)


    In time and history people saw the glory of the Lord in the judgment of the Chaldeans! Henry states that all the world would have heard of the exile of Judah and then of the ruin of the Chaldeans. They would have (incorrectly) given all the credit for Judah’s exile to the gods that the Chaldeans served but then the people of that later day would have given God the credit for overtaking the Chaldeans.

    In a way we still think like them. If whatever happens in the world benefits us, we give God the glory. However, if as Christians, we think that a negative result comes, then the devil or some other god has outdone the One True God. Where did the concept of God’s “impartial judgment and irresistible power” get lost?

    In an act of justice God uses the Chaldeans to execute His judgment on Judah, His own people. Even Habakkuk knows it is deserved as he could see unrepented violence and sin all around (Habakkuk 1:2-4). (Sound familiar?)

    After asking God why He would use people more wicked than themselves to judge His people, Habakkuk realizes that it is that One True God who is ruling over all and bringing all judgment to those for whom He wills it – Judah first and then the Chaldeans in His time.

    Christian sisters (and brothers who may read this) we have to see that the One True God still rules and reigns over all. He is maker of all things; “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.” (Isaiah 45:7). He brings both rewards and judgment.

    Viruses, elections, Chinese corruption, war in Ukraine, or financial disaster staring right at us. Will we trust God as Habakkuk did? Will the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea because we, and all of His people, glorify Him with our lips and reflect His glory in the way we live our lives? This is one of the ways that He will accomplish the knowledge of His glory covering the earth.

    Will we spread this knowledge in the ways we use social media to answer complaints about the current culture (1 Peter 3:15)?

    Will we glorify Him in the way we teach the next generation of His Sovereign Rule over all (Psalm 89:1)?

    Even if there are no fruits on our vines  or the fields yield no food, will we rejoice in the Lord (Habakkuk 3:17)?

    Will we do it no matter who wins the elections? (Proverbs 21:1)

    With elections upon us, will we proclaim that there is no mere man who can save us from the judgment that we are under as a nation? This is a time that will be slowly changed by more and more people coming to know Christ in all His fullness. The knowledge of His glory will spread – slowly but surely – by the work of God’s own people.

    We cannot know “how long” but we can know that God will use us to get the spread of His Word and the knowledge of His glory to cover the earth. How will we do the work?