The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. John 1:9
Children are very persuasive.
Prior to having children, Christmas was a pretty low-key event for my husband and me. It was okay with him if I put up a tree, but it was not a necessity for him. For me, it was a cherished tradition.
We lived in a city for many years. Christmas trees were sold on a corner close to our home. My kids remember getting bundled up and taking a wagon the three blocks down and back to bring home a tree.
Lights on the outside of the house were not on our “to do” list. But, when our daughter wanted lights her Dad put them all around her bedroom windows on the back of the house, second floor, so she could enjoy them after dark. She was delighted.
After we had moved out of our city house into a smaller house in the suburbs, we had grandchildren living with us. Our tree no longer fit inside but our grandchildren wanted outdoor lights. My husband was easily persuaded by our (then) four-year-old granddaughter to put that big tree on our new porch. The old tree on the new porch with bright lights made our Grandchildren very happy.
A couple of weeks later we found out that we had a neighbor who was also delighted by it. He was an elderly gentleman whose wife had been placed in a nursing home just before Christmas. He had no Christmas decorations up. He told us he loved sitting in his living room at night looking at the lights. He felt like he had his own tree lighting up his house.
What is it about lights at Christmas that make them so meaningful to us?
Isaiah prophesied a light. In Isaiah 9:2 he said, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.” It becomes apparent in the rest of the passage that he is prophesying the coming of the Messiah. Jesus Himself said that He is the “Light of the world”. John 1 introduces Jesus as the Word “and in Him was life, and the life was the light of man.”
What is it that Christ illuminates for us?
He is a sinless man/God. While in the body of a man he perfectly obeyed God the Father. If He got angry, it was righteous anger. When He ate with prostitutes and tax collectors it was for God’s glory and their good, not just to pat himself on the back for being such a great guy. He spoke truth, loved always, and was compassionate.
When His Light hits us, our sin is obvious. We do not meet the standard He has set. We are not sinless, we are disobedient, we get angry and display unrighteous attitudes and behaviors. When I compare myself to Him I fall short of the expectations. I see my own sin.
That is the Light that God sent to shine on all He calls to Himself. When we see our sin we recognize our need for a Savior. The Light is the light Matthew 1 tells us was coming to save us from our sin. Once we see it is the Light of Jesus Christ, we can turn to Him and seek forgiveness and salvation in Him.
It isn’t only children and older men who will delight in the Light of Christ. What is His light showing you and me now? How has the Light of Christ brought joy to you or those in your home?