• Comfort and Fear


    man wrapped in fear tapeOnly fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24


    Why haven’t I finished writing the book?

    Why do people hate to learn a new computer program?

    Why do we so frequently resist change at almost any level?

    We like to be comfortable and we fear the discomfort of the unknown territory we have to head into to do something new.

    Yesterday I spent several hours working on a rewrite of my book, a work in progress for longer than I like to admit. It felt so good to actually see some movement.

    I read a lot of writer blogs and some marketing blogs. They scare me to death. Do you know what one has to do to market a book?! It is hard work. It costs money. It will mean a period of time where I have to rethink how I spend my time. These are the things I fear.

    How sick is that? I enjoy the writing of the book but I fear having to leave my comfort zone to sell it.

    One huge marketing hurdle for many that I do not have is that I am not afraid to speak in front of an audience. I find some peace in knowing that the Lord has given me plenty of practice at this. I trust Him, and His faithfulness, to get me into and through any speaking engagement.  The thing I am still learning to do is speak about the work that I do. I am terrible about introducing my blog or selling the self-published Bible study I have written. My blog reading says I need to get past this before the book is finished.

    My dear husband likes to point out the pride in that. If I really believe that God has called me to these things, I would not be promoting my work but His. I teach His Word, I encourage women to follow His lead, and I try to listen as He speaks and teach what He teaches me. Why should that be so hard to promote?

    I look at what I am describing and know that God did not create me with a spirit of fear, nor did He promise that everything I would ever do would be comfortable. Writing, publishing, and marketing a book are not comfortable for me. But, if I get past myself and think about the work He has given me, how He has taught me so much through the women he has brought into my life, and His faithfulness to me in all my teaching, I know I will not be doing it alone.

    As a writer, my confidence is not that God will give me comfort and take my fear. My confidence is in His faithfulness (again) to see me through the whole process – even the marketing!

    Must. Finish. The. Book.

    How about you? What is fear (or fear for your comfort) keeping you from accomplishing?