• Plane Faith

    When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? Psalm 56:3-4 


    As the fifth of six children my experience with vacations as a child was limited. We went on one every year – or almost every year –  we camped because that’s what my parents could afford to do with all of us. I took a plane trip to Dallas, Texas when I was 13 – all by myself –to visit an Aunt and Uncle there. I was scared to death! Take offs, turbulence, and landings were frightening to me.  

    As I got older my plane flights were few and far between. I encountered that same terror that I had experienced as a teenager for a long time. Several years ago I started teaching for Bible Study Fellowship. Their headquarters were in San Antonio, Texas, and I needed to visit several times during the eight years I taught.  Of course, flying was the most convenient way to go.  

    My husband and I have flown for  a couple of vacations – most recently to Belize and back twice. This last trip the captain came on to ask everyone to fasten their seat belts as we were running into some turbulence – panic time in my earlier flying career.  But last week I was not at all concerned.  

    When I realized that I was not afraid – and had not been afraid for some time – I wondered what had happened to me. Why was I so calm? What I realized is that over time I became familiar with what happens when I fly. The planes and the captains had gained my confidence. They have consistently gotten me where I was going without incident. My husband used to tell me it was safer than driving a car.  From my own experience, I could see he was right.  

    As I flew from Belize last week I was reading the book “One Thousand Gifts” and realized that God’s faithfulness – like the confidence I had gained in planes – is a gift. Just as I know from experience that those planes are going where they say they will go, and will get there as on time as anyone can hope for in light of security and safety precautions today, I also know that God will only deliver to me what is best for me.  

    I have confidence in God’s goodness because He has consistently and faithfully blessed me – even in the difficult stuff – with His presence, His strength, His wisdom, and His deliverance.  I have read about God’s faithfulness in the Bible and in books for years. I have heard story after story from others about how He has delivered them from a difficult time, how He was an ever present help in times of trouble, just as He has promised (Psalm 46:1).  All of this was good information to have. It gave me reason to look for His faithfulness in my life, to recognize it when I saw it.  

    As I look back I can see that it started with a crush injury to my foot when it was run over by a car. I had so much help from others I was overwhelmed by it! By the end of that recovery, I was pretty sure that God existed. He stayed by my side again when our son had his eye pierced by a fork when he was only 8 years old. A devastating time for us but God brought a show of love and generosity to us that we were amazed by. We were only beginning to see that it was He who was providing all we needed.  

    As the years have flown by His faithfulness has become more and more real to me. He has truly provided for us. Sometimes before we even knew we needed something He had provided it, or the means to get it. He has taken more than my fear of flying and given me confidence in Him, in His plans for me and my family. When I look back I can see that I wasted time on fearing things that God had under control all the time. I feared not having enough money, I used to fear that my husband would die young and wondered how I would care for our children. I feared driving long distances and for the safety of my children. Over time God has so proven His faithfulness that I have learned to trust Him with all my fears.  

    Even if the plane crashes with me in it, even if all the money we have is lost, even if there are injuries, the house  falls down, or the kids move to another country – I know – from years of experience – that God only gives me what is good for me. He will use it for His glory and my good – that’s what he does, consistently.  

    The decision for you and me is to trust God and live in peace – or not to trust God and live in fear. It has become  an easier decision for me. God has proven Himself to be more reliable than any plane I have ever flown in and I trust them – it seems “plane” that I should trust in Him even more.  

      Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5