• My Word(s)


    Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!         Psalm 95:2 

    I have never been good at following the rules. I do when I have to but if bending is permissible – I will bend them.

    I have recently been introduced to a new “movement” suggested in two blog posts about “one word”. The first was from the originator of the movement titled “My One Word” that I had not heard of before. Mike Ashcraft has written a book by the same title and has also spoken on the radio to promote the idea.

    His own church has made it an annual event that each person in the congregation will choose a word to meditate on for the year. His first one was “flow” from the verse where Jesus says, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’.”  (John 7:38 ESV) He talks about what a profound  change took place in his life as he concentrated on the word flow for a whole year. You can read his article here: http://www.faithgateway.com/what-is-my-one-word/?utm_source=devosdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=devosdaily20140101&spMailingID=44701200&spUserID=NzMxNzQ1OTcyMTES1&spJobID=225061099&spReportId=MjI1MDYxMDk5S0#.Usbtu9JDuPY

    The second was a blog post from a woman I met at a Christian writer’s conference. Her “New Year’s” post was about her “one word” for 2014. As I have followed her on Facebook this year I knew she had met with some really difficult circumstances in 2013. She has chosen the word ‘trust”. I understood that choice. I’ll let her explain it if you want the details here: http://lakesidelessons.blogspot.com/2013/12/my-one-word-for-2014.html 

    So, I wondered what my own word would be. I am reading a book (which I am enjoying so much that I will probably post about it later so I’ll spare you the details now) that has me thinking about the “integrity” of my walk with the Lord. Am I really living in a way that demonstrates my faith? In my marriage, in my dealing with friends, in the everyday things of life would others see Christ in me? Would they be surprised to learn that I am a follower of Jesus’? Integrity seemed like a good word.

    As I kept reading the word “contentment” came to mind.  I need to be content, contentment seemed like a good word. Then “gratitude” and finally, “joy”. As I briefly meditated on these words I saw a progression. When I have integrity, when I do the things God calls me to do, follow His commands, and consistently use His Word as my guide for life, I am content! There is no greater place of contentment than the center of God’s will.

    When I am content I am grateful. Regardless of the circumstances, (and 2013 has had some of the most difficult to face of my life so far) when I am following God in integrity – I am content because I am trusting the sovereignty of God.

    When I am grateful, I am joyful. Thankfulness and joy are mentioned together several times in scripture. I am never sure if being joyful makes us grateful of if being grateful makes us joyful. What is certain is that they travel together a lot. Psalm 100 starts by tell us it is a Psalm for giving thanks and instructs us to make a joyful noise.

    I know I am bending the rules by having more than one word. Integrity is a good start. When practicing integrity leaves me content and grateful, I want to demonstrate it with joy! Though, in defense of the idea, I do realize I have to start with integrity. I guess I hope that looking forward to the joy will be motivation to act with integrity. It may take me all of 2014 to conquer integrity and then “content” can be my word for next year.

    How about you? What word do you need to focus on for 2014? Mr. Ashcraft believes one word can change your life.

    Happy New Year!