• To Correct or Not to Correct

    Problem solution


    For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

    I know that I can be pretty self-righteous sometimes but every once in a while I get this urge to just scream at people about the way they are raising their children. I want to point it out by saying something like, “Can you imagine how well this could turn out if you would do it God’s way?”

    As Christians, we know, and often discuss, how amazing it is that God left us a Book of instructions that will make our lives better.  We revel in the love He shows us by commanding us to do things for our own good. When we don’t do things His way we recognize, understand, and often appreciate the fact that He will discipline us so that we can see His way as the better way.

    A simple example would be the way we treat other people, especially family. When I got snippy or was unkind in response to an angry statement from one of my kids, then the argument would escalate.  The Bible is clear that, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1

    I knew that, I just didn’t always remember it in the moment!

    Studying Proverbs recently, I have been paying attention to how often the commands or proverbs are addressed to Fathers or mothers- or both. Biblically speaking, parents have a great responsibility to raise their children to fear the Lord, to walk in His statutes, and to live according to His principles.

    Even if a child shows no signs of being a Christian, parents can teach them and hold them to the principles of scripture for his/her own good. In fact, we have a God-given responsibility to do it. Even the non-Christian who gives a soft answer will turn away wrath just as her harsh words will stir up anger.

    As I watch what our nation’s families are doing by letting the world direct our parenting path, I am afraid for the children. So many fathers have abandoned their families, so many mothers are too tired to discipline, though the Bible says that if we discipline our children, “he will give you rest” and “give delight to your heart.” The very things that will be good for all of us, we fail to do because we think the world will judge us for it.

    Why do we care what the world thinks? The Lord warns us that the world “follows the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.” He goes on to point out that this leaves people with no hope and separated from Christ. (Ephesians 2)

    So, when I see parents, even non-Christian parents, teaching their children the ways of the world or allowing behaviors that go against the principles of God’s plan for parenting and godly living, I want to correct them, to point out that God has a way that is better. It is a way of discipline, a way of grace, and a way of showing love for our neighbor in our daily routines.

    When we raise children by biblical principles they are more likely to experience good relationships (in and outside of the family), to be well respected, and most likely, they will be honored at home and in the workplace.

    What more could we ask for them? …Salvation.