It has been interesting to hear of all the good Christians can see from these months of lockdown in our nation. Cited are things like the smashing of idols such as professional sports and sports in general. The public schools have taken a hit as people can see the lack of concern for the children with a greater emphasis (from the teacher’s unions) on political agendas and, more positively, families have gotten to know each other again. For some this came at an emotional price but for others it has strengthened relationships.
Within the Church we can see those who are absolutely committed to live according to God’s word over the “law of the land” (given in an “emergency”). And, we see those who will compromise for the sake of keeping other people happy. The real impact of this has yet to fully play out. For instance, I learned there is one large local church that had it’s first in-person service in almost 6 months just 2 weeks ago. Some came back. Only time will tell how many will return to full participation in that body of believers.
Psalm 119, the Psalm that points repeatedly to the blessings and the wisdom in knowing and obeying God’s Word, starts like this, “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways! (Psalm 119:1-3)
Between the Covid 19 restrictions, the riots and national accusations regarding race, and election campaigns, the anxiety level of our nation has gone up in critical ways (mental health issues, abuse, and suicides are all way up). Honestly, my own anxiety level is up.
I thank God for His Word and a Pastor not afraid to preach it! Because I have it I can talk myself down from anxious thoughts by reminding myself what I know to be true of my God and King!
If, as Christians, we have not been taught or sought out the truth of the scriptures for ourselves, we will lack this valuable tool for remaining faithful to the only One who can keep us free from worry.
Our governments do not believe we can be responsible adults and make wise decisions based on the information given to us. Our schools are becoming political volley ball courts, and many churches are also obeying man over obeying God regarding worship.
We have His Word, we are being directed according to His law – if we know what that law says we can live it out and show the world a better Way (John 14:6). His Word is truly a light to our path and a lamp to our feet (Psalm 119:105). Why would we not want That Light to direct us?
As hard as this lock-down has been, I can see that the Lord has revealed some idols we need to get rid of. Last weekend a HUGE crowd of Christians gathered to pray and repent. This is a great step in the right direction toward the humility and repentance called for in 2 Chronicles 7:14. However, there is still sin in the camp (nationally as well as in the Church).
Will we step up and call out the sin of murdering so many pre-born babies and repent of our own apathy as a Church?
Will we speak the truth regarding the overreach of our governments as they try to outlaw corporate worship? Will we defy them in order to honor God’s command not to forsake the gathering of believers?
Will we admit and repent of the sexual immorality that we wink at or pretend isn’t happening (heterosexual, homosexual, and even the fact that we have created other “sexuals”)?
The peace and order that comes from doing things God’s Way could be ours, personally and nationally, if we would trust His word that clearly tells us that our trustworthy Savior will bless our obedience and will curse our disobedience (Deuteronomy 11:26-28).