• A Bright Future


    In these COVID days I have had an intermittent feeling of impending doom. For me this has been more about the response to the disease than the threat of the disease. But, as I like to teach others, no matter the circumstances God always sends blessings. Sometimes, we just have to look for them.

    In my moments of concern God has used His Word, the words of other believers, different people, and even my grandchildren to bring encouragement.

    Last week my older sister put up a beautiful tribute to my Mother on what would have been her 100th birthday. She gave a little of her history and a little of her personality and faith. Here is the part that was so encouraging to me:

    The Great Depression started when she was nine.  Both of my parents enlisted in the Army when WWII began. They spent their 20’s working to save the world from Hitler’s domination. She said they did it because they had to if they wanted a future for their children.  She conveyed to us a deep understanding of the connection between true freedom and responsibility. She had a quiet but genuine faith in God.  She taught us that God is real and. prayed with us each night. She taught us to do good, to help others, and to be kind.  She held us to high expectations which made us strong. 

    So many times since our Governor closed all the schools and businesses in Pennsylvania I have thought about what the future will be like for our grandchildren. I have grown weary of conflicting “truths” about the virus and the masks and social distancing. I want real numbers so I can do the math for myself.

    But then these words encouraged me, “The Great Depression started when she was nine. Both of my parents enlisted in the Army when WWII began.” My Mother was one of seven children. They had very little before the depression and it got worse for them. What they did have were faithful parents who raised them to be all the other things my sister talked about. Faithful, strong, responsible, and to understand freedom, to do good, to help others, and to pray.

    The backbone of all of that is a set of strong parents whose faith was in God (I remember hearing that they had theological differences but they both trusted the LORD!).

    The encouragement is that I do not have to be so concerned for my grandchildren if today’s parents will teach their children to be strong in the Lord. We can get through another depression and political upheaval that is obviously on its way by keeping our focus on the One that will provide the wisdom and the strength to keep on teaching about true freedom and responsibility to the next generation.

    My mother and many thousands of Americans like her lived through really difficult times. It seems impossible to my generation because we have lived in the peace and comfort of what they so heartily fought for before we were born.

    Are we willing to teach our children diligently according to the Word of God (Deuteronomy 6:6-8)? Will we teach them what true liberty is (Isaiah 61:1; Galatians 5:1; James 1:25)? How to do good, work hard, love our neighbors and remain faithful no matter what is happening in the world?

    Future generations are looking to us. Will we be their example of faith and strength? We have to if we want a bright future for our children and grandchildren.

    One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts.                 Psalm 145:4