Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all. 1 Chronicles 29:11
“A high view of God.”
That was the theme for a Bible study I was in. We took time in the course of that year to talk about the glory, sovereignty, omniscience, majesty, and the power of God.
Even in passages when the Lord was not specifically named, but an event was described, we were taught to look at every action and ask, “what is God doing?” The underlying assumption is that He is always doing something and always for our good (no matter what it might look like).
I learned, that year and the next, to look for God in every set of circumstances. I learned to check His Word if I wanted to understand what was going on in my own neighborhood or to know how to respond to any circumstances. I even learned that I would understand more of His Word by understanding more of His Word. One part shines a bright light on all the rest.
There seem to be many on social media who call themselves Christians but do not have this high view of God. The god they talk about doesn’t care about sin. His Word is not authoritative. They may give him credit for creating the world and all that is in it, but they fail to see that He has any authority over all of His creation.
This low view of God has affected the way they vote, the way the respond to the sins of others, and the way they fail to glorify Him in their interactions on social media.
God has shown us, in history and in His Word, that He is real and majestic. The Creator, the Author, and the Sustainer of all of life. He is “King of Kings, and Lord of lords.” As we study His Word, our view of Him will increase, and our worship will change as we recognize that the Kingdom is His and He is exalted as head over all.
How are we responding to this holy God who has offered us the privilege to get to know and understand His Word? Are we falling on our faces before such a Hallowed One? Do we acknowledge His sovereignty over every sphere of life? Do we worship Him to magnify the glory we have been privileged to see?
What we believe about God will determine how we live and respond to circumstances, every day. In every situation will you ask, “What is God doing?” remembering His grace, His justice, and looking for the higher purpose that the Most High God has for everything that ever happens?
How holy, how majestic, and how absolutely awesome is the god you worship? If he is not the Most High God in every category you think of, He is not the God of the Bible.