On a personal, spiritual, professional, and governmental level, we need to be discerning about who we trust.
If the last two + years have shown us anything it is that almost no one in mainstream media or sadly, many in medicine, teachers’ unions and school boards, or people in our public offices or workplaces are trustworthy. Most prefer to go along with whatever keeps them in step with the latest trending political correctness. Or, they ignore their consciences in order to maintain their paychecks.
Today I was reading about the state of California so convoluting its law that it could safeguard bumble bees under a law that protects fish by calling bees fish. “Follow the science!”
Who do we trust in today’s culture?
Because many Christians have given up the inerrancy of the Bible we have lost some vital truths of the faith. One of the most important is from Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” With this fact from scripture we can know that anyone who does not have the power of God in them, especially anyone who hates God and His Word, cannot be trusted to teach us correctly. Even what the Christian teaches us should be checked with scripture.
Books are written. Laws are passed. Edicts are given. Threats of retribution spoken if we do not do things a certain way. And God is ignored in all of it.
At the beginning of the Covid lockdowns our Pastor pointed out that, biblically speaking, the healthy person was never quarantined. Only the sick were separated and set apart. Few people were aware this principle was spoken of in God’s Word (Leviticus 13:46).
How many people take time to seek out what the scriptures have to say about the rest of life? Not just the sweet bye-and-bye, but the gritty and messy parts of everyday life?
Who, of the California lawmakers is going to consider what God has to say about the creation of animals “according to their kind”? (Genesis 1:21) Or that God saw that it was good to make them this way? (Not to mention whether there should even be laws regarding protection of fish or bumble bees.)
It is obvious that the world is at war against God:
- Bumble bees being classified as fish
- Politicians, journalists and books calling evil good and good evil.
- The “news” media reporting for the money it brings rather than speaking truth.
- Doctors not being permitted to prescribe the proper meds because they have a commanded “protocol” from those who know nothing of the patients.
- The deliberate reluctance of pharmaceutical companies to release the true findings about the nature of the reactions to the jab.
Truly, it is getting scary for the “little guy” who has no power to change a thing. If the people responsible to protect our nation’s population can promote such anti-God and His Word ideas and legislation, whom can we trust?
When David had been captured by the Philistine army he asked God to have mercy on him as he experienced the battles. To God David says, “Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You.”
Like David, God is who we have to trust in. His Word gives us the proper understanding of our circumstances when we look for it. When Paul preached to the Bereans in Acts 17, the scriptures commend them as being more fair-minded than others, “in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”
When we hear a new edict, when we learn of new legislation, when we fear that someone is calling good evil and evil good, we have a responsibility to take it to the One who is truly trustworthy. We are to go to His Word and He will meet us there, even when we are afraid He will tell us to stand against whatever the newest unbiblical response is to an earthly situation.
He is faithful and trustworthy. Will we be as faithful to Him?