Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11
Are there things you fear greatly?
Are your responses to everyday difficulty a little over the top?
Do you feel “on edge” a lot of the time?
Are your children overly sensitive or fearful?
Does it often seem like others are against you?
I have now met several women who live in fear, doubt or shame. Some have sought help, some have not or will not. They fear they will lose control of themselves or the pain will be too great or, if they told their whole story, no one would believe them. There is even fear for some that if people knew all that had happened to them, often abuse of some kind, they would no longer want them around.
Sad, but these are the perceptions that can come from deep pain that never gets resolved, healed, or even brought into the light. I am reminded that God wants these things exposed so they will not be left in the darkness as He lives in Light. When things are left in the dark our own thoughts about them can get out of control. When we shine the light of God’s Word on them they can be seen for what they truly are – often someone else’s sin that causes the victim to live in shame.
Light penetrates darkness – darkness has not and cannot overcome the Light. (John 1:5, Isaiah 9:2) Because God tells us to expose works of darkness we can rest assured that He will walk through the hard parts with us when we ask Him to. Psalm 118:6 says, “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? “
So, why should a woman in pain seek help when she feels shrouded in darkness?
- For the sake of her spiritual growth, to know peace.
- For the sake of stability in her marriage or family relationships.
- For the sake of security and confidence for her children (if she has them or will have them).
- For the sake of authenticity with those she will work with in a secular job or ministry.
- For the sake of the growth of the kingdom of God. It is a lot easier to tell others of the steadfast love of the Lord when we have experienced it ourselves.
Leaving a pain in the dark serves no one. Who do you trust enough to tell you have an issue that needs to have the truth of the Word of God lovingly applied to it – for your good and God’s glory?
Satan loves the dark, God lives in light. Will you choose to expose the deeds (those of others or your own) you have been keeping in the dark?