“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” Mark 5:19b
David and Jonathan, Naomi and Ruth, Mary and Elizabeth, Paul and Barnabas. Friendships are all through the Bible.
Best Friends
I remember shortly after I became a Christian hearing a man speak on the topic of friendship. He taught that, as a Christian, your best friend must also be a Christian. He clarified that we are to have friendships with unbelievers, but that our best friends should be like-minded regarding Christ.
At the time I was disturbed. I only knew a few Christians and had had some of my closest (unbelieving) friends for years. They were good people who lived pretty disciplined and happy lives. What was wrong with them?
Over the years, the Lord has shown me how good my Christian friends are for me. More recently, I have seen the benefits of my Christian friends as our family deals with the illness of my husband.
It is my Christian friends who call me, or see me on Sundays and ask, “How are YOU doing, Beth?” They encourage me in the same way that Jonathan encouraged David in the wilderness and Ruth encouraged Naomi by staying with her. They “strengthen my hand in God.”
Strength in Friendships
Jonathan went to find David in the wilderness while he was running from King Saul, who was trying to kill David. Jonathan reminded David of the words God had given him. He said that David would be King and Jonathan would stand with him. He reminded David that God keeps His promises.
Naomi was trying to get Ruth to leave her but the Bible says that Ruth “clung to her,” insisting on staying with her. Ruth 1:16 says, But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.”
Jonathan travelled thirty miles to encourage David. Ruth stayed with Naomi to help her in a time of need.
Over the years, my believing friends have said things to me like, “Have you prayed about it?” “Maybe God is not in it.” “This is not about you, Beth. What does God want?” “God is patient, give Him time.” “Did you tell them there is forgiveness for that sin?”
True Christian friends want us to be right with God. Many unbelieving friends do not understand the basic principle that when we please God, we are the one who benefits. There are many things, like abortion, homosexuality, war, immigration, marriage, voting, parenting, Bible study, even creation and evolution, that most people who do not know the Lord or His Word, simply cannot give us sound wisdom on because they do not have it. My definition of “sound wisdom” is Godly and biblical wisdom.
So, it didn’t take me too long to realize that this teacher had been right. When we fellowship with believers, taking time to talk about how the Lord looks at whatever we are talking about with them, they have the ability to encourage us to grow in faith, in wisdom, and in understanding.
How do you encourage your friends in the Lord? Do you have friends who will strengthen your hand in God? Is there a friend who needs to hear how merciful the Lord has been to you?