Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit. Proverbs 12:17
Too much alcohol and too much porn were the reasons she said she left him.
He said, “I’m done with that. I’ve been off the porn for weeks and I’m not drinking anymore. Please, just come home.”
She was afraid. She wanted to believe him. She had heard it before.
She said she would pray for God to reveal the truth to her.
A few days went by and he called her. He was to take their children out that evening and his work was running late. Could she drop them off at the house they used to share so they wouldn’t be late for the event? She still had a key.
Upon entering the house, she saw empty liquor bottles in the kitchen.
The children asked to play a game on the computer. She was furious so she thought it would be a good distraction while she thought about what to do. The minute the computer was on, a pop-up for a porn site came up.
Her rage grew.
Then, she realized God was giving her exactly what she had asked Him for: the truth. It was not what she wanted to learn, but she knew it was good for her to know. Truth was being revealed, just as she had asked.
This woman’s doubts about what was happening with her husband were gone. She was free to make a good decision based on truth.
A simple prayer revealed a difficult problem. The truth is not always pretty but God says it will set us free. She was free from the worry of whether or not her fears were well founded.
Are there things you are unsure about? Will you pray for the Lord to reveal whatever truth you need to see? Will you believe it when He does?
I did not speak in secret, in a land of darkness; I did not say to the offspring of Jacob, ‘Seek me in vain.’ I the LORD speak the truth; I declare what is right. Isaiah 45:19
Do you and I believe He will reveal what we need to know?