• My Relationships: My Responsibility?



    And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.                Hebrews 10:24-25

    I talked to  an old friend who had recently changed churches. She was thrilled with the preaching and teaching but was having a difficult time “connecting” with anyone on a more personal level.

    I was disappointed to hear that she still only knew the people she had known when she got there.  She was telling me how warm and friendly the congregation is on Sundays – but there is not any real fellowship going on outside the building.

    I have been thinking about her disappointment since we talked.  It has made me wonder what our responsibility is, and what the church’s or even other people’s responsibilities are.  In our technological society has hospitality become rare and has “reaching out” been relegated to an email that thanks a new person for visiting?

    Likewise, I have been wondering if my friend is taking any initiative to build relationships in her new church.  Is it all someone else’s responsibility?  If the church is not organizing fellowship events so people get to know each other, should we be inviting others into our own homes and practicing hospitality as the Bible tells us to do?  (Romans 12:13).

    Being the new person is never a comfortable position to be in but there are many ways to get to know people in our churches.  Work side by side, study in a group Bible Study, go to Sunday School and not just the worship service, show up for fellowship events that are planned for you, or do some “one on one” practical ministry to someone in need in the congregation.  I can’t even imagine the joy of a Pastor when someone comes and says, “How can I help, and get to know people around here?”

    Jesus gave a specific command that we are to love one another.  He will not hold us responsible for how others in the church obey this , but we are fully responsible for how we obey it.

    Before we leave a church because we aren’t finding the people friendly or we aren’t getting to know anyone, are we willing to take the initiative?

    Here’s the question:  Are my relationships my responsibility – or the churches?