• Better All the Time

    Planet Earth

    And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”   Isaiah 6:3

    Crime, the cost of living, the deteriorating morals of our society, pornography, abortion, and people who are so set on their own agendas that they ignore the truths of scripture and the judgment of God – and denigrate those of us who do consider these things. Some days I really wish that it was true that Jesus was returning soon and I could just go to bed and stay there until He takes me Home.

    The world can be a very discouraging place. It is easy to get so distracted by it that we miss what God is doing.

    I have had several conversations over the last few years about this very topic. It is interesting to me that not everyone thinks this way and in fact, I am convinced from listening to them, that they have a point that should encourage people like me who are discouraged by the evening news and rising crime rates.

    They tell me things are getting better! My very reasonable husband holds this view. He looks at the world and he says, “Beth, Jesus started with 12 disciples. Today, there are 2 BILLION Christians around the world.” He explains that Christianity is growing – not as much here but the rest of the world is hearing about Christ. Things are getting better, not worse from a Christian perspective.

    Well, argue with that. I tried, then I did a little research. What I learned is that the number of Christians in the world has quadrupled since 1910! Europe has declined significantly and the rate of new Christians in America has slowed – the rest of the world is listening! The growth of Christianity in China, India, and Africa are incredibly high.  Isn’t that encouraging to know as we look at the world?

    My husband, who has the gloomiest view of the economy I have ever heard, believes that from an eternal perspective we have to see that God is at work! He is growing His kingdom before our eyes and we are so caught up watching what the world is doing that we are missing it.

    He looks at things from a different perspective – and he sees that God’s kingdom is not just coming – but it is here and it is growing!

    As fast as it is growing there are still many  to be reached. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” In Isaiah 11:9 he said, “They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”

    According to the Joshua Project, a website that tracks unreached people groups, we have a ways to go before the whole world has heard or the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD. Here is a graph from that website:


                                                   Global Statistics
    Peoples-by-Country Individuals
    All People Groups 16,845 7.06 billion
    Unreached People Groups 7,286 2.91 billion
    % Unreached Peoples 43.3 % 41.2


    My point, and the point my husband keeps reminding me of,  is that we cannot just sit around waiting for Christ to return – there is work to be done! Things will get even better as more and more come to know Christ.

    We need to take our eyes off of the discouraging works of man and focus them on the encouraging work of God – and then join Him where He is working. Imagine being a part of filling the earth with the knowledge of the Lord, and training the next generation to do the same. What a blessing!





    Image credit: <a href=’http://www.123rf.com/photo_8669787_real-earth-night-and-day-maps-from-nasa.html’>1xpert / 123RF Stock Photo</a>