• Daily Distractions

    For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


    It all has to get done. We have work to do in all areas of life. From the time we are children; daughters, students, sisters, to becoming employees, wives, or mothers. We all have work to do and ministry to be engaged in.

    God gives us these works for our good and His glory and purposes. Our responsibility is to do what He gives us to do. Oh, and that is to be with a good attitude, without complaining.

    Pleasures and emotions can both be distracting. Most distracting are those times when it seems like there is much to take my attention: other people, illness, fear, troubled relationships, etc.

    In a day of serious distractions with social media, the internet, the gym, the phone, and whatever else we choose, it’s easy to “blame” something besides our own human will when we do not do what needs to be done.

    In the scriptures, we have the example of Martha who was distracted by “much serving” (Luke 10:40). She had a house full of people who were listening to the teaching of Christ but who were going to want to be fed when He was done. She was making necessary preparations as one who was practicing hospitality.

    When she complained that Mary wasn’t helping her, Jesus corrected her. Mary had chosen the “good portion” (Luke 10:42) and He declared it would not be taken away from her.

    The admonition from Jesus to Martha included that she was “anxious and troubled about many things” (Luke 10:41). As you read this, does that describe you? We live in a time of plenty to be anxious and troubled about. But, the truth is also that Christ still stands ready to teach us, to reassure us of His presence, and to equip us to do the work.

    Christ did not rebuke Martha for doing the work, He rebuked her because she was anxious and troubled about things that were not as important as “the good portion”  of being with Him and learning from Him.

    We have a world that is in need of a lot of work in order to grow the Kingdom of God and see people regenerated to saving faith. If our time and energy are spent solely on worldly troubles, we will not be prepared for the work God has for us to do.

    James admonishes us not to just learn the Word of God but to do what it says. Some get so caught up in the work that, like Martha, they fail to take the good portion that will strengthen and prepare them for the work. Others concentrate so hard on “being still” that they fail to do the work God has for them.

    Each one can distract us from the other and being anxious and troubled can keep us from both.

    Bible study, fellowship, worship, prayer, and works. Distractions or not, it all needs to get done.