• Example by Imitation

    Bing and Grand's Birdhouses

    And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. 1Thessalonians 1:6-7


    While my daughter and her two children were visiting we ran a few errands in her car.  She and I sat in the front and the two “grands” buckled into their car seats in the back. We were chatting away in the front seat when we heard a little voice say, “Mom, I would like to be a part of this conversation.” He is four years old.

    I chuckled but I took him seriously. Of course he wants to be a part of our conversation, and in the car it is appropriate for him to be. We should not have a conversation in a closed space with children that they should not be able to participate in (or about things they should not hear). His words reminded me that we have few opportunities like that when they are a captive audience. It makes sense to include them and to be aware of the message we are conveying in the conversation.

    This time he didn’t have much to offer,  he wanted us to keep talking. I guess he wanted us to know he was there and was a part of it even if he was quiet for the moment.

    One thing this conversation did was remind me of our generational responsibilities as Grandparents.  These two, and the one who will arrive in mid-August, are as much a responsibility to my husband and me as their mother is. I don’t mean this in a day to day providing for them way, but in a “set an example” sense.

    What I realized in that car was that my daughter and I were teaching, even if we weren’t aware of it.

    I recently talked to a Christian who seemed to think that Christian education is more the responsibility of the church than the parents.  The view was that any parent who was not taking advantage of every opportunity the church doors were open (Sunday morning for church and Sunday School, Sunday evening for some small groups, and Wednesday night for a children’s program or youth group) was not allowing those who can properly teach their children to teach them. As if scriptural teaching is best left to the professionals.

    The Bible commands fathers and mothers to teach their children. A lot of theology can be taught around a dinner table, or in discussions of what is happening in the world day to day. Even conversations based on a TV show or movie can promote a Christian worldview. Every child learns his worldview from family (usually parents), even when they go to church four times a week. If we do not take the time to consciously and intentionally teach it, it will be the wrong worldview and it won’t include the understanding of inter-generational responsibilities.

    I am all for Sunday School and small groups if they are Christ centered and focused on spiritual growth, not just entertainment.  I am also concerned that our kids spend so much time away from the family that those who have a God-given assignment to teach their children have few opportunities.

    As parents, and even grandparents, are we aware what our children are being taught? Are they at home enough to teach them ourselves (as instructed by scripture)?  Are we intentionally including them in our conversations and consciously thinking about the example we’re setting or the instructions we’re giving?

    Is the example we set the imitation of Christ?