Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
I don’t know if I am more surprised by God’s kindness or one man’s obedience. You would think that after this much time walking with the Lord His grace would be expected – not surprising! I guess it’s just that He shows up at unexpected times in unexpected ways.
In October my twin sister received a diagnosis that you would not wish on your worst enemy (of course we wouldn’t we are good Christians!). The first sign of God’s grace was in her attitude and acceptance that she would be thankful and faithful – even in this trial. She has seen and praised God for every display of grace He has offered and they have been many! The kind words of a nurse or the gentle approach of her doctors – she sees them as a gift from God. A husband and daughters who have rallied to her side. The support of the school where she works and the extended family, and cousins we have seen only a few times in recent years, she credits the Lord for all of these encouragements. Many people have called, sent cards, flowers, meals – and the prayers have been too many to count. In all of these she clearly sees the hand of God.
My sister lives a few hours away where she has taught Kindergarten for almost 30 years. After she was discharged from the hospital I stayed three days at her home trying to help and encourage her. On the first day of my visit she got a phone call from the school district’s supervisor of buildings . She heard him speak at a memorial service for another administrator several years ago and complimented him afterwards because of his clear declaration of the Gospel to a very large, secular audience. Since that time they have been “wave in the hallway” kind of friends — a brother and sister in the Lord.
He had heard about her diagnosis, which was no surprise, she had asked someone to tell him knowing he would pray! He was calling to ask if he could stop by and see her sometime. She said yes. She was not at all surprised to hear from him but a little surprised he would want to visit, after all, she did not know him all that well. (These situations do reveal who really cares about us.)
The next morning he called around 9:00 am, said he was close, and asked if he could stop. I suggested that I could excuse myself but sister asked me to stay. (I was her “bouncer” for people who stayed too long!). My brother in law was also there.
After introductions we talked a little about the nature of his job. I thought it very interesting that twice he said, “I’m really just a carpenter.” He explained how he got to be a buildings supervisor after being the project manager on a job building a school for a different district.
Although clearly uncomfortable, this “carpenter” got to his point: God had sent him. He said that he walks and though he had not heard an audible voice, he clearly understood, while walking, that he was to come and see her and encourage her. He said he spent a couple of miles of his walk telling God why he should not be the one, even suggesting others who would be better at it!
Once he was convinced that God was not retracting the command, he started to ask Him what it was he was supposed to say that would be encouraging.
He said, “Here is what God wants me to tell you. God loves you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. Basically I am here to tell you Psalm 139.”
He was obviously operating in God’s power and not His own. He was a little concerned that we would think he was crazy. We did not. We thought God was gracious. What a wonderful message to receive to encourage someone wondering what the future holds.
As I looked around when he left, I thought about the encouragement she has already received. Flowers, cards, cleaning help, food, visits from old friends, daughters who have shown love and devotion, and a husband who is serving her by being right at her side. As if this were not enough God sent His word to encourage and remind her of His love for her. I felt like His message was, “I made you; I know exactly what is happening inside of you. Fear not.”
My sister has journaled this experience. Right now her home is filled with reminders of how loved and appreciated she is. But, in a few days she will start chemo treatments, and then, radiation is a possibility. So far, it has been amazing to hear her talk. She has been encouraging me as I speak to her about this. Her faith is incredibly strong. Her understanding (and mine) is that what God does is good, so this is good. But, she may need this reminder that God loves her, that she is fearfully and wonderfully made, when she is in the midst of more difficult days.
How many times has God prompted one of us to go to speak to someone else, to encourage and support them and we didn’t go? We think we will look silly or sound stupid so we dismiss the thought. I cannot tell you the encouragement this man’s visit was to me! I am two hours away from my sister but I know, and God sent a reminder, that she is right smack in the middle of the palm of His hand. He has her covered. He loves her. And he sent a carpenter to tell her so!
You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Psalm 139:5