• Do What You Can

    face to face conversation

    “I don’t have time for this right now.” How often do we hear it? How often do we say it? If you are like me sometimes it’s even worse — you mean it. I can even be doing something for someone else (that I agreed to do) and I don’t say it aloud but on the inside I am thinking it.

    I recently took a week and went to help someone in need. I had to rearrange a little but I decided I needed to do it. I would have felt like I had let her down if I had not taken the time out of my schedule to help her in her time of need. Although I am busy, I knew I wasn’t that busy.

    In Mark 14 Jesus tells about a woman who came to Him just before His death with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, a very expensive substance, which she takes and pours over His head.

    The following verses tell us the reaction of others, “There were some who said to themselves indignantly, ‘Why was the ointment wasted like that? For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.’ And they scolded her.” Mark 14:4-5

    The next verses tell us Jesus’ response, “But Jesus said, ‘Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial.’” Mark 14:6-8

    My own pride and self-importance are insidious.  Like the scolders in Mark 14, I looked only at the utility of the trip (or the nard) and although I wouldn’t have put it in these words, I look at the verse and wonder: Do I think I was ‘wasting’ the time? As I made arrangements to take the time off of my regular schedule I thought about how precious my time is. I was focusing on what I would not get accomplished, how much time I would lose on a project, and how far behind I would get on plans for settling into our new house. Oh yeah, and those concert tickets I would not be able to use.

    Like those critics I was only thinking about my own agenda.

    I went.  Everything on my agenda did not get done but the time spent was worth the sacrifice. My friend’s circumstances did not get better because I showed up. No great burden was lifted. I may have been some encouragement but she still needed help when I left. There is a question in me wondering if I have done enough but I know that I have done what I could and still take care of my own family.

    Tonight I was struck by Jesus’ words, “She has done what she could.”

    This time I think I have done what I could but I wonder how often do I fail to do what I could? How often does my “I am too busy for this right now” mantra turn on and I walk away from the opportunity to love, serve, and encourage my sister and/or brother in the Lord?

    Work, sports, children, husbands, and ministry responsibilities can be very demanding. So can the burdens that come to us while we live in this fallen world, burdens that may be overwhelming if we have to face them alone. There are many people who need help. There are many more saying, “I don’t have time for this right now.”

    Jesus commended this woman for “doing what she could”. Are you and I doing what we can for others?  Are we willing to ask God what that might be, or are we even too busy to ask?