How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:14-15
I got turned off to gimmicks to grow the church years ago in my “secular” church when the leaders asked for money over the normal offering to go towards “programs”. It turned out that they had no new plan for any programs, they were just looking for a gimmick that would increase giving. It worked, but I eventually left that church looking for one that preached Truth.
What has happened because of that is that I am always a skeptic when it comes to trying cute gimmicks to increase the numbers on Sunday mornings, financial or human. We always say that our motive is to save souls but because we are not handing out the gospel it looks more like we want a higher head count – we are handing out fun, games, candy, entertainment, or a lively show. If that’s what brought them into the church, that’s what they will be looking for all the time to keep them “engaged” and “energized”.
Yesterday I clicked a link on Facebook and went to an article that was written by a man that thinks like I do. I always enjoy having my thoughts confirmed but what this man (whose name and article I have looked for but can’t find!) was addressing the issue of reaching the lost by these tried and failed concepts of what might be attractive to the unchurched. He talked about the ways we try to reach people with music, contemporary services, dramas, and “outreach” events that are planned to attract families with children – moon bounces, slides, etc.
He basically said that evangelical churches have been using these for years but none have worked. We keep tweaking them for the next generation but essentially they still are not what will draw unbelievers to a church. The article’s conclusion was that if we want to reach the completely unchurched people of our neighborhoods, we have to, one on one, invite them to come with us. It’s so simple even I can do it!
As I was searching on “Google” trying to find the article I had read I ran across this YouTube video of one churches efforts to invite new people to the church. It is 2 minutes and 48 seconds long. If you have time you will see exactly what I mean by “gimmick.” There is so much wrong with “Pastor Rap” I don’t know where to start.
So, I want to a recommend a good old fashioned “Bring a Friend” program to our churches. Don’t tweak it, don’t try to make it snazzy, and don’t bring in “special music” or apply any new gimmicks for the occasion. Keep things as they always are so the visitors know what to expect if they come back next week. Greet every visitor warmly and preach the gospel.
God’s Word is our most effective evangelistic tool. His love coming through us in an invitation to church is living that Word.