• Calling Evil Good


    This is real news (you can’t make this stuff up!).

    In response to a question about what she would do as governor to alleviate increasing inflation, Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams said, “Having children is why you’re worried about your price of gas; it’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs. For women this is not a reductive issue. You can’t divorce having to carry an unwanted pregnancy and the economic realities of having a child.” [i]

    Really? Having abortions so you don’t have to feed children is your solution to high prices?  This woman is calling good (having children) evil and abortion (a real evil) good. I understand that there is an economic cost to every child that is added to the family. However, God says that children are a heritage, a reward (Psalm 127:1), not a burden on the family.

    In addition to their faith, one of the most outstanding characteristics of Paul and the Apostles is their boldness to speak the truth to people who were openly opposing them (Acts 9:29; 19:8; Ephesians 6:19).

    It seems that when they spoke there were multiple responses. People refuted them, plotted against them to kill them, went away thinking about what they had heard, or believed what they heard and became followers of Jesus Christ.

    Some things never change. When people go out, as these men did, into the city streets or small local gatherings and preach the truth of Christ, the reactions are the same. More and more it appears that in our own nation the plotters and refuters are the ones that are speaking out the loudest but there are also people who hear and believe. This means we still need to speak boldly.

    Many Christians alive today have been taught that being quiet and non-judgmental is what will help to bring other people to the faith. The fear seems to be that if Christians are bold it will be offensive to unbelievers and then they will never listen to the gospel again. Obviously, this approach has not won respect for Christianity in our nation.

    Early in Covid we were told to obey all of the government mandates because it would be a bad witness if we didn’t. Though it still isn’t clear exactly why we needed to close churches, schools and take an experimental vaccine, it is obvious that those who disobeyed stood against tyranny. They were righteously bold, insisting on obeying God to gather as believers rather than obeying man and closing the churches.

    What has struck me in thinking about this and many  other ungodly, unlawful (according to God) things happening in our nation today, is that by going along with the world and not standing against tyranny, our witness says that evil is good or at least not worth fighting about.

    When a public figure declares such obviously (if you know your Bible) evil things as murdering children in the womb so they won’t be a financial burden to the family, we have a serious problem if we do not publicly correct her.

    Sadly, it feels like a constant job right now. For so many of us who grew up in a “just be nice so they accept Jesus” culture, we have a lot of unlearning to do to be bold enough to point people to the truth.

    “Nice” in the face of evil does not set us free. It is the Truth that sets us free. Will we be nice enough to others to boldly speak the Truth that others may be set free?


    Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!       Isaiah 5:20

    Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

    [i] https://patriotpost.us/articles/92189?mailing_id=7014&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pp.email.7014&utm_campaign=snapshot&utm_content=body