Evil is worthy of our hatred (Psalm 97:10, Proverbs 8:13).
As all the forecasts of the next couple of years are coming out from all around us I am finding it difficult to grasp the truth that there would be so many evil people in the world getting their way.
As an American I cannot imagine food shortages (no less actual starvation). It is difficult to understand why the elected officials would show more mercy to illegal immigrants than they do to citizens or sabotage our availability of gasoline. Or, why, with inflation already out of control, we are giving billions of dollars to nations that have a history of evil doings.
In general these things are thought of as politics. It is time to call them what they are; evil. This is not “lunacy,” it’s not “crazy,” it’s not “nutty” – it’s wickedness and evil. Righteousness is being suppressed and the wrath of God is upon our nation. Romans 1 is clear that God has shown us the truth and man has rejected it (Romans 1:18-19).
Consider what Paul says to the Romans in chapter 1:24-25, “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”
By giving us up to the lusts of the human heart, we can see that many people are paying no attention to what is happening. It is stunning that the nation can fall apart around us as so many are content to play video games, indulge in pornography, and generally pretend that if they do not know what is going on they have no responsibility to try to change it.
As Christians we are instructed to “”Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
This is not just about “multiplying” in numbers. We are not just to procreate but in order to subdue the earth and rule over it we must replicate ourselves as Christians (not just have kids to brag about the size of our family). We are to take and have dominion for the Lord.
In order to do this we have to start at home. Are the next generation of children learning the Word of God and how to live with zeal for the Lord and doing His work that He has planned for them (Ephesians 2:10)?
Are our families in solid biblical churches that are teaching sound doctrine? They are out there even if they are not ten minutes from our homes. Are we willing to travel a little to hear the truth preached?
Do our neighbors and our co-workers know we are Christians who will tell them the truth when answering their questions? Do we love our neighbors in such a way that they consider us trustworthy and truthful?
For many years politics seems to have been a bad word in the Church. It is time for us to get involved locally as well as in our states and nationally. There is a terrible evil influence in Washington D.C. We need faithful men who speak the truth and stand firm in their faith, not compromising for the vote but standing firm in their faith.
Loving our neighbor is not always a simple, heartwarming experience. We have chosen an easy path for years, not fighting for the Name of the Lord or standing firmly for His Word in our spheres of influence. We are reaping the consequences of that timidity now.
Do we have the zeal to take up the armor of God and get back in the battle (Isaiah 59:17, the whole chapter is worth the read!)?
As we live speaking the Truth of who God is and the evils He will judge and what He will bless, we will face opposition but the fight will be worth the blessing.