Being anti-abortion is easy for the Christian. Killing babies in the womb is murder. The Bible says, “You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13).” Therefore, killing babies is something Christians cannot support.
The challenge from my Tuesday post was for every Christian to see abortion as an issue that we must fight against. But, every Christian will not fight this battle in the same way. I would like to offer some suggestions that perhaps have not been on the radar of those trying to do what they can to stand for God’s Word on abortion.
- Start up. Teach your own children the value that God has imputed to His people. Help them to not just be able to regurgitate God’s word, but to “Do what it says (James 1:22).” They need to know that God saves people to do good works for Him (even though that is not what saves them. Ephesians 2:10). Each child has work to do for the Kingdom of God.
- Speak up. (Proverbs 8:6; Matthew 12:36). In our churches, in our workplaces, among our friends. There are no “safe places” on this issue. We can (respectfully) challenge a Pastor not preaching it. We can firmly state God’s Word for the Christian friend who says, “I wouldn’t have one, but I wouldn’t tell another woman she can’t.” (This is the “I’m personally opposed to it, but…” argument favored by politicians.) We have to move past the thought that we are stating our opinion. We are giving them God’s Law.
- Show up. Join abolitionists at the abortuaries in your town or area. Plead with women not to kill their babies. From watching AHA videos we can see that it is often a husband/boyfriend, parent, or grandparent with the pregnant woman, and sometimes a Pastor offering a ride to the “clinic.” Tell them the truth and know the local resources for help. (See the AHA website here: )
- Step up. Be one who is willing to help a mother in need. You might provide wise counsel and biblical reassurance, financial support, or adopt her baby.
- Call up and call on. Use your phone or use your feet. Call the men and women who are elected to represent us and who keep this murder “legal” in our nation. Ask them to stand for any abolition bill they hear of, or ask them to propose abolishing abortion in your state.
- Study up. Know the Bible, know God’s Law, and pray for the courage to apply it to every area of life. We need to know what God says about life and death, faithfulness, obedience and disobedience (blessing and cursing). His Word will strengthen us. It will not come back void.
This is enough for now but there are more. We can/should pray. The pornography industry feeds the abortion industry and the sex-trafficking industry. Work against it. The family is under attack and the more stress a family is in, the more likely they are to think they do not need one more child. Work to defend the family.
Work needs to be done on a personal level and on a public level, to change the assumptions and understanding of this industry – it is a big money industry. I am encouraged that AHA is truly changing the conversation about abortion.
Please consider: Are we even having any conversations about it?
We want one big change to make abortion illegal according to man’s law. That will take one big bunch of hard working, Kingdom minded, Christians to accomplish.
Note: I sent this to my AHA friend and asked her about this list. Her response is here: