The words of a wise man’s mouth win him favor, but the lips of a fool consume him. Ecclesiastes 10:12
Gossip comes in many forms besides the over-the-back-yard-fence version. I still remember the first time I heard a teaching about the gossip-through-prayer-request version. I couldn’t imagine what that meant. We ask a certain group to pray for “dear Suzy who just started dating that non-Christian” or for “Joe and Jean’s marriage after that problem he had on the computer.” I can’t tell you how many times I have now heard it done!
These days we can do it through Facebook posts, Twitter, and text messages. These things may appear innocent at first, maybe it’s even just a Bible verse. If we know the person we may be able to see who the verse was meant for. I feel like I’m always reading something about a boss or a co-worker that makes me think they must not be on Facebook or the person wouldn’t have posted it. Would they say these things to their face? If not, why is it on Facebook?
Sometimes it isn’t gossip, it’s in your face, like posting a picture that seems to scream, “look where I have been and you weren’t invited” or “see who I was with, aren’t you jealous?” I am glad (maybe not glad; more like relieved) that those are usually posted by young teenagers who have not yet learned how to be tactful and kind. But it makes me wonder if there’s no one to teach them.
This week someone I know had a post saying he wanted a “dislike” button on Facebook. Then, when he disagreed with someone he would be able to say so without taking the time to form a formal reply or getting into a verbal battle. He suggested it might be a problem only when someone put up a cute picture of their baby and he would mistakenly hit “dislike” instead of “like.” I chuckled at the thought when I read it and thought about how many times I might have used it. It was an appealing thought to me…at first.
Often when we are responding on Facebook and Twitter we’re already feeling guilty about the time we’re spending and so we are quick to read and quick to respond. Perhaps all of our responses are not well thought out – and that can lead to its own trouble. Proverbs 29:20 says, “Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.”
After some thought, I thank God there is no “dislike” on Facebook. I remember learning that if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Facebook would seem to have that attitude. Our choices are to “like” it, respond with words, or be quiet about it. The Bible would seem to agree. Proverbs 17:27 says, “Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.”
There are many verses in the Bible about holding our tongues, protecting our hearts, and speaking the truth. These are things we need to think about 24/7 in order to point others to our Lord and Savior. We need to be different than the world, not a part of their gossip, their backbiting, or their proud taunts to others.
As you and I, believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and King, present ourselves to the world through our posts on Facebook and Twitter, text messages, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram (I’m sure there are more!) would others guess we are children of God? Do we display a unity with brothers and sisters that would be seen as loving?