He was my big brother (4 years older). As a kid he was relentless with his teasing but he was willing to help me learn to drive, took me out for dinner when I lived away at college, and was a generally good brother.
He may have been the first among our sibling group to truly understand Christ’s sacrifice for our sin on the cross. He was a married man with a couple of kids when the Lord gifted him with this faith.
The Lord sent him as an evangelist to India, Finland, and several other countries where he preached and taught and watched the Lord at work in those nations. He observed and participated in signs and wonders that were fascinating to hear about.
I became envious of the work the Lord had called my brother to. It seemed to be so much more important than my own “measly” (according to my own thinking) work of teaching Bible Studies and mentoring younger women.
Once the Lord convicted me of my envy, my brother’s calls after his trips became more exciting to listen to. While I was a young Christian I learned that God will call us and use us as He wills. I was able to rejoice with my brother as he rejoiced in what God had him doing in the world at that time.
I love it when the Lord works like that, showing us how a change of mind will bring more peace and joy, and even understanding to our own lives and work for Him.
He did it again just a little while ago. I was sitting in Sunday school and the teacher made an off-hand statement. I don’t remember his exact words but it was something he said that was just for us to think about. “If what you’re looking forward to when you die and go to heaven is seeing your deceased Mom or Dad or even child, rethink it. The most profound thing that will happen to us is that we will be face to face with Jesus Christ! He should be the greatest hope we have about Heaven!”
It struck me because I often think about the people I have been close to here that I will see again in Heaven but, at the time, I couldn’t say that I had put much thought into the glorious idea of living in the presence of Christ or being embraced by Him upon my arrival there. But this young man was absolutely right, there is no greater joy awaiting us than living in the Light of Jesus Christ.
That Sunday school lesson is forefront for me today because my brother entered eternal rest on December 9th. I am assured through scripture and the obvious faith of my brother that He is with the Lord now. 2 Corinthians 5:8 says, “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.”
Maybe even by now, four days later, he has been reunited with my mother and sister. I don’t know the details.
So, though I am not ready to leave this world, the more I think about my brother having been embraced in the arms of our Savior, I am a little envious of Him again. Can we even imagine what that first sight of the Lord will be like? We can only imagine!
Add this promise to that: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4 My brother is healed!
He is healed of his earthly ills and living in the glory of God. Yes, I’m experiencing a little envy and a whole lot of comfort.