Then the LORD said to Moses, “Pharaoh will not listen to you, that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.” Exodus 11:9
“So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you. Jeremiah 7:27
Many Christians regularly try to speak biblical truth to their families. This is done in hope that they will say something that causes the unsaved person to see the Truth of the Gospel.
Others try to convince parents that the biblical instruction for raising children will bring greater peace in their homes and more productive adults when their kids grow up.
Most Christians are conscious of their behavior before their neighbors, knowing that the way we live speaks volumes about what we truly believe about Christ.
There are Christians standing at abortion mills weekly trying to persuade women not to abort their babies, for the sake of Jesus Christ and their own eternal life.
And, there are men who week after week go out and preach the gospel anywhere where a crowd might be gathered. Most recently, I’ve seen on social media those who have been at gay pride parades. These Christians are argued with, cussed out, and spit upon. But, they keep preaching for the sake of that one person who might be listening.
We can leave all of these settings very frustrated and dissatisfied, feeling as if we have accomplished nothing for the Lord. It is our tendency to look at the responses of others as the thing that determines our success or failure.
Since the days of Moses, God has given us stiff-necked, rebellious people to speak to for Him. In Exodus 11:9, God warned Moses that he would go to Pharaoh to call on him to let the Israelites go. In the same sentence He said that Pharaoh was not going to listen. Later, in Numbers 12:7 God says that His “servant Moses” is “faithful.”
Moses’ pleas with Pharaoh were not “successful” because Pharaoh did not let God’s people go. However, God still said that Moses was “faithful” because he had done what God told him to do.
We have sixty six books in the Bible that our Gracious God has left us as a means of instruction. He is clear about blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience (Deuteronomy 11:27-28). But we do not obey. It seems that today’s Christian has become so accustomed to the promises of God’s love that we have failed to learn the promises of His wrath.
Though it is quite true that God will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), it is equally true that He commands us to be holy and that He will chasten us for sin (Revelation 3:19).
By biblical standards (as opposed to worldly standards) will God be able to say to us at judgment, “Well done good and faithful servant”? As you can see, faithful is successful before God.