Sparing you the details, there have been some blasphemous “comments” left on a couple of my Facebook posts lately. It is obvious that not only are they not Christians, they hate God. They distort His Word and denigrate His Law and judgments. They make Him sound hateful and heartless toward His people.
For the record, they do not read the blog post I am promoting. They are responding to whatever words are used to point people to that blog-post. This is obvious because their responses (often godless memes) have nothing to do with the topic the post addresses. They just hate God and mock anyone who loves, worships and/or praises Him.
There are so many verses that would be a good response if they had ears to hear. As Christian writers we battle between delivering the Gospel to a lost soul and casting our pearls before swine.
The hardest part is that their blasphemous words completely misrepresent our loving and gracious God. Because of their lack of understanding they say things about Him that are not true. They appear to be hardest on His law.
Psalm 119:165 (and that whole Psalm) teach that, “Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble.” I fear that these blasphemous commenters are stumbling and they are stumbling because “they do not know the scriptures or the power of God” (Matthew 22:29).
Within God’s Law we can learn and grow to understand that He is good (Psalm 118:29), His judgments are righteous (Psalm 119:62), His mercies are forever enduring (Psalm 118:29), His works are wondrous (Psalm 75:1), and many more gracious gifts to us who believe and have been saved by Christ’s work on the Cross.
Wrestling with whether or not to respond to heretical insults should cause us to stop and think on the things the Lord has revealed in His Word, the things that have given us peace, and security. He has made His grace evident to His own children and confirmed it in His Word. These are things to be joyful and forever thankful for, as He continues to reveal His mercies every single day!
The blasphemers miss the truth that His love is proclaimed in His Law. If it were not for His Law, we would not see our sin. Galatians 3:24 says it this way, “Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” What a gift!
Therefore, leaving us His word is an act of grace from God for us. The conviction of sin so that we can see our wretched state before our holy God, and even the call to “remember” what we learn about the Lord and then to give us His Holy Spirit to remind us, are all great gifts from a gracious Father.
This is the God who loved us enough to send us His Son to die in our place and then to leave us His law so that we can appropriately show Him our love and thanksgiving for His gracious act of salvation. He said that if we love Him we will obey His commands and then, He left us those commands. This is another act of grace, love, mercy and goodness.
Clearly, His love is revealed and evident in His Law. In His mercy, may He reveal it those who currently blaspheme His Name and mock His children.