There was a time early in my Christianity that I was envious of my brother, the evangelist. He was travelling the world preaching the Word of God and seeing lives dramatically changed by the Spirit of God.
It was made clear to me that I needed to be content with my “little” local work of teaching and discipling, serving the Lord in whatever way He asked me to serve.
That was years ago and I have come to understand that one form of work for the Lord is not better or more important than any other. From the stay-at-home Mom to the Evangelist in the jungles of foreign nations, God honors and blesses obedience and faithfulness, not specific works.
Lately, in the face of having members of our congregation publicly called “Christian Nationalists” I have been wondering what, in this world, at this time, that means.
The “Christian” part is easy for me as being born again carries this identification with it. When a person repents of his/her sin and has faith that the Lord Jesus Christ has taken the penalty of death for those sins (Romans 6:23), then they are a Christian. For every Christian there is work to do (Ephesians 2:8-10) decided largely by the ways that God Himself has gifted each individual.
So, how does this fit with being a “nationalist?” The #1 definition of a “nationalist” from is, “Devotion, especially excessive or undiscriminating devotion, to the interests or culture of a particular nation-state.”
In opposition to this definition, I, and almost all of the Christians I know, have our deepest devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. My National devotion is farther down the list after Christ, my husband, family, and Church.
Wikipedia gives a definition for the whole term, “Christian Nationalism” that I can understand and to which I am more able to relate:
Christian nationalism is Christianity-affiliated religious nationalism. Christian nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their view of Christianity and its role in political and social life.
It strikes me that this is true of every group of “nationalists” ever. Democrats want only democrats in office. Republicans want only Republicans in office. Muslims want Muslims in office, etc. It would be hypocritical of me to “be” a Christian and not want biblical principles and laws in place in the nation I live in.
This used to be expected and understood. Now it is addressed as though it were horrifying. We are slowly becoming the hated group for our biblical stances.
As our nation has moved further and further away from Christian principles we have seen a demise in the cultural living standards. The list of what has worsened as we have allowed more and more evil to be passed by law and lived out today without consequences is astounding. On the increase list are depression, suicide, rape, murder, fatherless homes, divorce and adultery, pornography, pedophilia, inflation, mass shootings, unjust wars and more.
We have been suppressing the truth of the judgment of God on a nation (pretending it isn’t happening here) when we fail to live according to the Word of God and inform others in decision making, law passing roles. Rather than suppressing this truth we should be exposing the evil of our day (Ephesians 5:11).
Though there was a day when I was jealous of my brother’s foreign evangelism, it is apparent now that our biggest problems are right here in the U.S.A. The return to Christian principles will not be done by force. It will be accomplished by the blessing of the Lord on the work of His people to speak the truth of what we know is true in the spheres in which we live and have influence.
Call me whatever you will. Christian or Christian Nationalist. I would like for that list of things that are worsening in our culture to be the list of things that become better because we each do our works for the Lord right where we are, with whomever He puts in front of us.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. . (Matthew 28:19-20).