When the airplanes hit the twin towers in 2001 someone said, “This is not of God. My God would never allow this!”
The gut instinct of those who understand from the scriptures that God rules over all is to say that if it happened, He has a part in it. We know that God does not plan evil (James 1:13) but we also know that He will take the evil of man and use it for good (Genesis 50:20). Romans 1 says that He will give people up to the “lust in their hearts” because “they exchange the truth of God for lies” (Romans 1:24-25).
Among the many fears talked about in the last eighteen months (and right now this is the greatest for me) is that we “have exchanged the truth of God for a lie.” Why, some might ask, is that scary if we are not the ones doing it?
The truth we know as Christians is that we cannot live in ways that dishonor or blaspheme God and expect any sort of blessing from Him. This is true for individuals, but also for the Church and for nations. We know we cannot stand by and be complicit in the murder of millions of babies without having some blood on our own hands. There are so many things that are counter to scripture that we do not boldly speak out about because our fear of man is greater than our fear of God. He will give us over, too, when we fail to be faithful to Him above all.
One of the truths that we seem to have replaced with a lie is that we can eliminate disease and/or death. Every year of our lives many people die from the flu but the medical community expects it so the numbers are not publicly reported. Mortality numbers during Covid do not significantly differ from previous years (yet amazingly, very few people’s deaths were attributed to the flu).
To make matters harder, we are masking young children knowing that they have not been spreaders of the virus.
There are plenty of people in high places that we can point to as the ones who are oppressing us. But, until we, as the Church of Jesus Christ, are ready to admit that we have indeed, exchanged the Truth of God for a lie, humble ourselves and confess our sins and turn back to the truth, we will continue see the demise of our nation.
I cannot tell you that God will see a few people repent and fix everything. I believe we are headed for tough times. Doctors and nurses are talking about the new things they are seeing in those who took the shot. And, the rise of the variant is going to hit more people, whether or not they got it. Masks, lockdowns and politicized mandates are not the answer. Submission to the stated will of God in His Word is.
Whatever we see happening, we have to accept that God is in it.
Where will His Church be? Will we do our own research and make non-panicked and balanced decisions about what is wise for us and our families? Will we step up and care for people that we are now criticizing? Will we try to go against the grain and speak the truth and not accept any information that exchanges the truth for a lie?