“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. Luke 16:10
I watched a tall, thin, hardworking young man yesterday while he was eating at an event where lunch was provided. I was jealous.
I don’t usually think of myself as one who covets much, but in that moment I wanted what he had. It was not so much the food, as the ability to eat all he wanted, knowing he would not have to deal with it on his hips or his gut.
I have also, somewhat recently, sat in a meeting where I wanted to make known my opinion on the meeting’s topic. I remained quiet at the time because there were others who had more authority than I did. Later I asked my questions. I really did not like being quiet and waiting on others. By waiting I learned that the authorities there were in general agreement with my own opinion.
Sometimes I want to rail on social media because people are so unbiblical in their understanding. Then, I think about the fact that they are unbiblical and realize that “screaming” is probably not the best way to encourage them in the Lord.
There was a time when I would have caved into my desires in all these situations. I still do sometimes, but the truth is that I am better than I used to be. I give the credit to a living and active God in me. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, He has given me the ability (when I am willing to remember to Whom I belong) to resist the temptations that used to be too big for me to overcome.
As I look back over the last twenty + years, I can see that God has regularly fed me His Word. He has given me a husband who doesn’t let me get lazy about church attendance, and He has provided me with sisters in Christ who encourage me to continue to study and teach. I am so grateful for all of that. These are the disciplines that have given me the ability to hear God when He wants me to resist temptations.
As we read, as we study and listen to the Word of God preached, God grows our knowledge and understanding. He tells us that if we ask, He will even give us the wisdom to apply it to our lives. (James 1:5, 3:17).
Eating what we want, waiting for others to do the right thing, and being silent when we want to scream, these things are relatively small when we think of the temptations of this life. God said that one who is faithful in little will be faithful in much.(Luke 16:10)
A little bit of discipline can be a big indicator of how we will do with greater temptations.
How do we respond to the little temptations that have always been a problem for us? How do we expect to do with the bigger ones?