• He Is.


    Why don’t we (as a nation) see it? Why doesn’t anyone say, “Wow, what is God doing?” or “What is your God doing?”  when they see the evil and the good playing out in the world? It might even be a step in the right direction if they said, “Why isn’t God doing something?” as this would acknowledge that “God is.”

    Historically, people understood that some god or The God was involved in every victory and every loss. Now, sometimes they saw this as “My god beat your god.” As Christians, we know that there is only one true God and He is living and active in every sphere of life.

    One example is Rahab as described in Joshua 2:1 where she is said to be a “harlot” (NKJV) or a “prostitute” (ESV), not as one who loves God. Yet she saw that the Lord had given Israel (His own people) the land where she lived, that God had dried up the waters of the Red Sea for them to cross over and what they had done to two kings with the Lord’s help. She, and her city, credited God with the victories for His people and the defeat of others.

    She declared that the fear of the Lord was upon her whole city of Jericho. Notice it was not the fear of the Israelite army. She and the people of Jericho knew that Israel’s strength was from the Lord.

    Throughout the Old Testament even the people of Israel had to be reminded that God would be with them when they were faithful, that He would go with them into battle when the battle was just, and that He would ultimately give them the land He had promised if they would trust Him. They were also repeatedly reminded that God would not bless them when they would not listen to Him or rebelled against Him.

    It is striking that in the United States today we almost never hear anyone asking about what God is doing. The majority of our nation seems to reject the idea of a powerful God who is Sovereign over all. To have faith that He is the One True God is being portrayed as dangerous extremism.

    Sadly, this is because people have not learned, perhaps not been taught, that our God is good and merciful, even in judgment. Do people know these attributes when He displays them? Do we have even a notion of what the judgment of God looks like and that His purpose is not to annihilate us but to call us back to Him?

    He is full of patience, mercy and grace of which we see evidence when we obey His law. Our alignment with His laws brings honor to Him and peace and joy to us. We do not have to fear the wrath of God in trying to get us back if we stay under the shelter of His wings, trusting Him with every decision.

    But how do we get the rest of the nation to see that there is a Great and Glorious God whom they should fear and reverence because He does have all power and authority over the world and over their own eternal well-being?

    We have to talk about Him. We have to glorify Him. We have to speak the truth and trust Him to work in the hearts of others. We do what He says and live in the peace and joy that it provides (See Deuteronomy 11 for the blessings.)

    We cannot glorify God and be quiet about abortion, or drag queen story hour or sex trafficking or pornography or abusive marriages. When we pretend these things are not happening, or try to “keep the peace” by not calling them abominable  sins before God, we deny His rule. He rules over all (1 Chronicles 29:11), the faithful and the unfaithful.

    When we tell anyone that they are loved by God, that He is a God of love, and we fail to say that He is just and hates sin, then we are the ones denying Him. We are creating our own god with those words.

    When we refuse to listen to Him or acknowledge His sovereignty over our (national or personal) sin, we are acting like His people of old. He divorced them. If it feels like God has divorced us as a nation. Can we blame Him? If it feels like He has divorced us personally, then it is time to take every thought captive and turn back to the truth and follow Him. He forgives.

    If others have no faith in our great Savior and Lord, “How will they know if no one tells them” about Him (Romans 10:14)

    And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.  Hebrews 11:6

    Are Christians in America living in such a way that others wonder what God is doing? Do they know He exists? Would they know they can ask you?