• Conditional Grace


    Is God’s grace unconditional?

    Many Christians seem to think so. We promise people who do not know or love God that He loves them, no matter what (See Psalm 5:5). Many Christians boldly promise the favor of God on someone if they would “stop doing drugs,” “confess their sin of adultery,” or  “abortion,”  “stop using pornography,” or ___________________, (fill in the blank). They never mention faith in God.

    In a recent discussion with other Christian women, it became apparent  that we make a lot of Biblical promises that lack the “conditions” that God has placed on us. There are a lot of “ifs” in the Bible (1637 in the NKJV).

    Here are two examples:                                                                                  Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the LORD your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.  (Deuteronomy 8:19).

    If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love (John 15:10).

    There is a standard of faith backed by actions that we must adhere to in order to be the recipients of the blessings of the Lord. He does not look down and see a good thing we’ve done and pour out His blessings. God is clear that obedience brings blessing (Deuteronomy 28:1).

    A woman once told me that when she was growing up her Christian family taught her that if she did not drink, smoke or get pregnant out of wedlock – she was being a “good Christian girl.” The Bible was in their home, but not taught. They attended church and youth group and stayed out of trouble, prioritizing academics.

    This “works based” Christian home has gotten into a second or possibly third generation who do not know the scriptures – so they think that all God wants is for them to be good girls and boys so they will be happy and blessed materially then we will praise His Name.

    Repentance and faith in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is one missing “condition” in these homes (Romans 10:9). Living according to His word is another (Psalm 119:9).

    Many probably agree that this is a problem for individuals but please take note: In this time of national turmoil we need to understand that, in the Bible, the “ifs” are not just personal. The conditions God has for us are also national. Our nation is expected to humble itself and pray, to turn from our wicked ways, and then God will hear from heaven and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

    A lot needs to change in our personal obedience to God’s Word and in our national recognition of His Authority in the world.

    The personal has to come first. God will change our nation one person at a time. It would seem though, that we must start telling people the truth, including politicians and businessmen as well as our families and neighbors. They will not be blessed for stopping one bad behavior, getting or refusing a “vaccine,”, or following the current social justice cause.

    People will be blessed by God when they live by faith in Him and His Word, and by their repentance and obedience to it.

    Our God’s grace is conditional. Do you and I have adequate knowledge of the conditions, and enough love for our neighbors, to tell them the truth of His expectations?