As we live through the downward spiral of our culture into more and more crime and evil in our midst, it is obvious that we need to do something to change the culture in which future generations are being raised. From the top down we need to be demolishing the things that support (and encourage) the downward spiral.
I am thinking of things like the curriculum in our schools that has second and third graders thinking about “gender identity” and laws permitting the murder of unborn children in the womb.
For the “top” part, consider Proverbs 21:22: A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.
This verse is about changing the culture of a city, taking down the things that people (especially the powerful and influential) are trusting in for their power and security as they ignore God and His Word. These “strongholds” are idols these people trust in that are in opposition to faith in the One True God.
Our society seems to believe that if people are not Christians then God’s law does not apply to them so we should not expect unbelievers to obey it. However, God does expect all people to obey His law. He will judge every individual person with regard to faith and obedience.
Our culture needs to be challenged with the truth of the Law of God. They need to know about the righteousness of Christ that is imputed to the believer upon conversion to faith in Christ’s death and resurrection.
In Isaiah 24:1-6 Isaiah warns the people of the land (all the people, not just the Israelites) that God is going to scatter all of the inhabitants. In verse 5 he gives the reason: “The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, Because they have transgressed the laws, Changed the ordinance, Broken the everlasting covenant.”
Does that verse not describe the state of our own nation?
It is also important with a nation like this to be thinking now about the future of what our grandchildren will live with if we do not step up, speak out and begin to train the little ones in our sphere of influence.
The Bible repeatedly tells us to teach the children. We are to teach them God’s commandments (Leviticus 10:11; Deuteronomy 6:7) and help them to understand how to live according to His Word for their good and His glory.
Parents, aunts, uncles, Sunday School teachers, preachers, neighbors, we all have a responsibility to pass on the truths of the scripture to the next generation. All the work we do “at the top” will make no difference if we do not do the work of teaching Truth to the children “at the bottom.”
So many idols exist today in our nation. We see people put their faith in our state, in a form of government, in a certain political figure or party, our public schools, or education in general. Some have put all their faith in themselves. These are the “I am the captain of my own ship” types. And, some have more faith in their human pastor than they do in God and His Word.
We must teach the next generation that our God is the Most High God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting God. Without showing them the emptiness of the current “gods” that need to be taken down, we cannot expect them to fully appreciate the “greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty” (1 Chronicles 29:11) of our own great God and King.