• Supreme Justice


    Do you see see fairness or justice or science or math being considered in what is happening in our nation right now?

    I have been struggling with why our government leaders would want to destroy our economy and why so many seem far more concerned with what they can’t control (illness and death) than with what they can assist (protecting people’s livelihoods  and spending).

    For months now those closest to me have been telling me that I am looking for logic where there is no logic.

    Borrowing a term from R.J. Rushdoony (it’s not plagiarism if I give him credit, right?), yesterday I was reminded that all of these leaders, though not under my control, will one day go before “The Supreme Court of God.”

    Men and women may differ in their opinions of whether or not what the civil leaders of our nation are doing is right and just but God does not have that problem. He has put civil leaders in place for the good of the people (Romans 13:3-4) and will judge accordingly.

    Many people seem to have no understanding of God’s judgment…but His judgment is upon us. And it is just. His appointed authorities (Romans 13:1) have a responsibility to Him that they seem to be unaware of. Nevertheless they will face God’s judgment and the rest of us may suffer because of it.

    “The Supreme Court of God” is a comfort to believers because the continuing lack of regard for life in general, from the murder of abortion to the false witness about a virus and a “vaccine,” is being seen and judged by God as the Highest Judge over all.

    In our culture there is rampant teaching that “our God is the God of love,” a non-judgmental God that is happy to let me be me and you be you. These are lies. God has given us His Word so that we can know that He is a gracious God who blesses those who obey Him and curses those who do not. He wants us to change from sinful (as we are from our birth) to holy (enabled by the Holy Spirit from the time of our rebirth).

    In this culture His “Supreme Court” gets reduced to being only for His people, as though He were not the God of the whole world, the Lord God Almighty who reigns over all the earth (Psalm 47:8).

    It is time for Christians to start talking about God’s “Supreme Court.”  His authority is over all the earth and delegated into various “governments” including:

    • Self-government
    • Family government
    • Church government
    • Civil government

    No one is out of His rule, whether he likes it or not. There is no one who will not be judged for his words and deeds. Those whose faith has saved them from condemnation to Hell will be spared at judgment (Romans 8:1). Those whose faith is in man or some other god, will face the Most High God’s condemnation for their sin (Psalm 5:5; Proverbs 12:2).

    In the Supreme Court of God, it is not just wickedness that God will judge. He will judge the wicked, too. In our “God is love culture” we say that He loves everyone seeming to mean that He will not condemn anyone. The truth is that in His mercy, He does judge and condemn the wicked for the protection of those who follow and serve Him.

    His judgment is not only just, it is gracious and merciful to those who are trying to live peaceful and quiet lives in His service. So, though we may not understand what is happening in our nation, we can trust that God does and in His Supreme Court He will judge justly.

    Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 1 Timothy 2:1-3