I know that God rules the earth, He is sovereign over all. . I know that He is trustworthy and faithful and loving. I also know that His wrath is worthy of my fear.
But, right now I am fearful of other things, too.
- I am fearful of silly things like wearing a mask everywhere I go. To some I am caring hero, to others I am a weak government worshipper. If we want to eat, I have to do it (starting Sunday in PA).
- I fear fines if I disobey the government.
- I am fearful that our government overreach is truly going to tear this nation apart.
- I fear for the economy and for individuals who are not receiving a paycheck.
- I fear that many people seem to have no sympathy for the people who are affected economically and wonder where they think all the unemployment and stimulus check finances are coming from.
- I fear what others think, especially my family about how I respond.
- I fear for courageous friends who are doing battle against this lock-down. I believe they are right. I fear their courage and my lack of it.
- Every once in a while I even fear getting the virus.
Above all else I fear the wrath of God if I am discontent in these circumstances.
In Numbers 16 Moses is dealing with the murmuring discontentment of Israel because they were unhappy with their circumstances in the wilderness. In verses 41-42 the people gather and complain against Moses and Aaron. In verse 46 we learn that these two men quickly make atonement for the murmuring of the people before God as He had sent a plague on them because of it. Hmm, a plague because people were complaining.
I do not claim to know why God has sent this plague. Goodness knows, if we look for reasons why He could righteously judge this nation, it is a long list. He gives us (His people) what will be good for us in the long run. He also sometimes uses man’s evil actions to accomplish righteous goals.
“Fear not” is a regular command of God to His people. I know this and am confessing this sin daily. We must know (and remember constantly) that we need to “fear God” and “keep His commandments.”
Our hope lies with our great God and King, not with our national or state government. God says, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV).
Knowing that God does not want us to fear, that He is our source of hope when we love Him and obey His commands, here is one more verse to give us strength for the circumstances we are in: “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).
Fear and discontentment seem to go hand in hand. We can speak the truth about our circumstances and still be content with where God has us for this time. His wrath is the only thing we should truly fear.