The end of a year seems to encourage Americans to evaluate all of the expenditures for the previous year as we begin to prepare for tax time. Calculating the costs of living and our own “charitable giving” presents some real questions, especially for the Christian. Some wonder if they “needed” all that they spent their money on. Or, compared to what I spent on my own desires (as opposed to needs), was my giving enough?
As we face the rising prices of inflation and the interference of bigger and bigger government demands, it’s tempting to squirrel away money and goods for the future, ignoring the needs of others now.
I am not knocking storing up for the future! [Genesis 41:35, Proverbs 30:25]). What I am concerned about is failing to see the needs around us because we are so focused on the world’s problems, many of which we can’t ignore because they affect our own daily living.
As we ponder why the IRS needs to know about $600 expenditures (if things keep moving at the current pace that will be our weekly grocery bill or a tank of gas!), we also have to acknowledge that there are people who because of jab mandates or sickness are hurting financially more than we are.
Reading and studying about tithing recently brought up this quote from R.J. Rushdoony’s book, The Cure of Souls; “A worshipper’s giving is an act of faith and an expression of grace.” He went on to point out that when we give, it is a confession of our trust in God to faithfully continue to provide for us.
In Malachi 3 after the Lord declares His curse on Israel (Malachi 3:9) because they have robbed Him of tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:8), He challenges them to bring their tithes and to see, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.” (See Malachi 3:10-12)
There is too much to say about tithing for a blog post. The important thing for us to consider is, are we robbing God? What is our understanding of money and where does it come from? Is it a biblical understanding? Are we giving as an expression of our faith as we face the times? Are we giving at all because of fear for our own provision? Either way is a statment of faith..or lack of it.
God is gracious to us. He was gracious to save us and He is gracious in His everyday provision of our needs. Are we giving to those in need as an expression of grace coming from our faith in Him?