Clearly, we are living in trying times.
God is trying:
- The strength of our faith
- The endurance of our patience
- The depth of our love for our neighbors
- Our ability to be content in all circumstances
- The depth of our commitment to obey Him over man
In the midst of all of these “tryings” comes a day set aside particularly for “Thanksgiving to God.”
Many times in the scripture we are reminded to give Him thanks. It occurs frequently in the Psalms, being advised as the Psalmist realizes that God is with him or protecting him from affliction or enemies in his own trying times (Psalm 50:14, 107:22, 116:17, 147:7). The examples and the instructions to us are to be thankful regardless of how trying the times we are facing.
Can we do it? Yes, we can. Perhaps we will not be thankful every minute of every day but we CAN be thankful even when things around us seem to be falling apart.
Why? Because God is faithful to keep His promises that He will bless our obedience (Deuteronomy 11:13-14), that He will not forsake those who trust in Him (Psalm 9:10), and that He will be our shield when we trust in Him (Psalm 18:2).
At the same time He warns us not to put our trust in the proud (how many of those are we hearing every day? Psalm 40:4), nor mere men nor princes (Psalm 118:8-9). We are not to trust in our wealth (Psalm 49:6) or our swords (Psalm 44:6) or idols of any kind (Leviticus 26:1).
These are, indeed, trying times but our God is gracious and merciful to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. He will, providentially, prepare us for what is coming. He will be our Refuge and our Guide. He will punish the evil doers (Isaiah 13:11) and take vengeance on those who do evil. Will we wait for Him (Romans 12:19) to do it while we resist the evil?
He is worthy of our praise and our thanksgiving. We will give it when our faith is true and survives the tests.
The Psalmist says it this way, “The righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and trust in Him. And all the upright in heart shall glory.” Psalm 64:10