Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. James 1:19
I spoke to a young woman the other day who said she had chosen one word to be her focus through 2015. “Discipline” is the word.
As we talked she said she feels the need to make changes in discipline regarding food, exercise, and housekeeping. She is a woman much younger than I am and I can remember feeling the same way at her age – only I had a fourth category in which I knew I needed to gain some discipline…the tongue.
At the time I spoke whatever came to my mind. I loved to have conversations and though I was willing to listen I enjoyed talking more. Proverbs 10:19 says that “when words are many, sin is not absent” (NIV). It goes on to add that “he who holds his tongue is wise.”
(I think) I have come a long way. I am more likely to listen than I used to be. There are many times when I still wonder if I have spoken too soon or said too much. I am an open book when I talk. Sometimes I find myself offering unsolicited advice to someone who probably knows more about the topic I am advising on than I do. There are times I fail to think about who I am talking to.
I was happy for this reminder about being disciplined in all areas of life. I am a fairly normal person and as I study the scriptures I realize that mankind has the same problems now that we have had from the beginning. One of those is that the Lord speaks to us (as His children) about an area we need to improve in and we obediently accept His correction. A few years (or weeks) later we have forgotten the lesson and fallen back into our old ways. Israel did it repeatedly.
I don’t want to go there with my tongue, or even my fingers as I post on social media. I am hoping that this reminder will help me to check what I am saying, to think before I speak (or post), not to unnecessarily offend or insult someone because I failed to consider the consequences of my words before they come out of my mouth.
I have (and think lots of women experience) less self-control when I am excited, angry, tired, hungry, or frustrated. These are not good excuses for failing to stop and think before speaking, or even praying in the moment for the right words.
Discipline is a good word for my young friend and for me for the new year. To listen is to discipline the tongue.
Sometimes the right words are no words.