• Hospitality Today


    I wasn’t really eavesdropping but neither was I participating in the conversation. One person was trying to illustrate the kind of person another one was without maligning him.

    The exact words escape me but the gist of it was that he was the kind of guy who would show up at church fellowships or meals at others’ homes and “occasionally” he “might” bring a loaf of bread.

    Those listening nodded their heads in understanding. Apparently, he would rather receive than give.

    Pre-covid there were many talking about how our culture has a different view of hospitality than we used to have. Earlier in our history it was seen as hospitable to host a family in your private home for dinner or to invite “the ladies” for tea.

    Pre-covid it became more “normal” to meet your friends at a coffee shop or a restaurant where someone else does the cooking and no one is expected to “bring” anything (except cash to pay for their portion of the meal). 

    Now, we have had little or no – or only outdoor – hospitality for over a year. As an extrovert and a lover of a table set for many, I am ready to get back to it. Sadly, many are not. They are still very fearful of a virus from which 99.7(ish)% of those who get it recover.

    Yesterday I was told of a set of Grandparents getting ready to visit a grandchild. The orders from their daughter are that they must get the vaccine, quarantine for 2 weeks, test negative for Covid and then wear a depends in the car for the drive to visit so that they will not have to enter a public restroom. The absurdity of this overwhelms me for these grandparents.

    Is this hospitable behavior?

    Christians, this is a false witness. These people are acting like this is a deadly virus for everyone (and it can be for elderly people with other conditions). It says that public restrooms are dangerous places – which has not been shown to be true for this virus (especially if we wash our hands when we are done there!).

    A change of mindset needs to be adopted for us to live out the command (Hebrews 13:2. 1 Peter 4:9) to show hospitality. We cannot be that guy who takes a lot and gives little and we cannot be the one who fears the very people we invite as guests.

    The people around us are starved for fellowship, especially those in the household of faith. They are hungry for friendship and love – the in-person kind. Singles need to be hugged and the elderly embraced. The children need to play and be active for their mental and physical health.

    Should we listen to those who are encouraging us that maybe we can get together for the 4th of July? Easter is upon us. Christ’s resurrection is worthy of celebration and fellowship of the sweetest kind – around a feast prepared for family and friends.

    Let’s get back to obeying the Lord regarding hospitality. I am sure that if you ask, others will bring more than just a loaf a bread to help you with the meal.