• Humbling Theme

    You save a humble people, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them down. 2 Samuel 22:28


    Have you ever thought there seemed to be a theme running through your life?

    Lately, it seems that everywhere I go, any book or article I read, and any conversation or teaching I am in, somehow mentions the topic of humility. It is convicting.

    Years ago, when God first got my attention, the sin I was most convicted about, and saw most frequently, was my pride.

    Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.                Philippians 2:3

    I was thinking way too highly of myself!

    Talking with other Christians, it is apparent that this is a shared issue. Many understand that their pride is a sin that requires serious consideration. We do some thoughtful or kind act and see that we have put someone else before ourselves. Then, BAM! We realize we are very proud of that! Sigh.

    Many verses in the Bible remind Christians to be thankful to God. Goodness knows, He is the source of everything we have, the good and the difficult. He is the Provider of our daily bread and of our salvation. He is our ever present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

    Our thanksgiving to such a generous and loving God should be constant.

    The need to give thanks to Him and the character trait of humility seem to be closely linked.

    When any Christian does that nice thing that can lead us to pride, when a light goes on and we understand a teaching, when we think we have accomplished a great work, when we see clearly what God is calling us to do, HE is doing a work in us. Pride would have us give ourselves a pat on the back for these things.

    Thanksgiving has us give thanks and praise to God for doing these good things through us! He is the source of our good deeds, of our wisdom, and our understanding.

    Praise His Name!

    Are we a humble people? If not, could it be because we are not a thankful people?

    Our God created us and then gave His only Son to take the penalty for our sin. He has prepared a place in heaven for those who believe this. These are the beginning and the end of that for which we should be thankful.

    The middle is filled with so much more that He has done for us, provided for us, and even protected us from. If we think our good life is because of something we have done, our pride has elevated ourselves and lowered God.

    In humility, will we ask God to show us those areas of pride in our own accomplishments?

    How can you and I give God the glory He deserves as our Provider, Enabler, Guide, Teacher, even as our Savior and King? Without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5).


    Intentional Influence: A Woman’s Guide to Biblical Mentoring. A practical guide to biblical mentoring written from years of experience. Check it out here: https://amzn.to/2vBhIjZ