There are a lot of socially acceptable and culturally promoted ideas that Christians adopt without recognizing how unbiblical the thinking behind them is.
One of those things is the way many women think and communicate about men. It is a “gift” the feminist movement has left us that we must fight.
One of the biblical truths about men, especially in marriage, is that they need respect (Ephesians 5). Well, there is nothing respectful about the saying, “Men are pigs.” In fact, there is no clearer communication that we do not like the way God made them. It disrespects God more than the men.
I must say that Christian women do not usually say that men are pigs. We are more subtle. We joke about something poorly done being done by a man or the rolling of the eyes behind their back when we don’t like something they say in a conversation. We assume that every woman agrees
We seem to lose respect because men do not do things the way women would do them (which we pridefully believe is the only way they should be done). We tend to be quietly disrespectful, except on Facebook when we think it’s funny to post “Men are Stupid” memes.
Ironically, our culture has been trying to teach that both sexes are capable of the same things (which is ironic because the feminist movement wants us to believe that men are not capable of anything!). It is all disrespectful to God, our husbands, our fathers, and even our sons.
Along this line, my curiosity is piqued regarding a lawsuit I read about. Three high school girls in Connecticut have filed a lawsuit against several state and local officials regarding young men “identifying as females” competing against them in Track and Field Events.
Apparently, no one watching these events is confused about what is happening. A male identifying as female student is not at all confused by his trophies and the girls see his unfair advantage – that of being a biological male. (
Men and women made in the image of God do have many similar qualities: the ability to think, reason and understand, the ability to teach, create, and love. Women have a greater capacity to nurture and men are made to protect and provide.
Rather than mock and dismiss our differences, why not embrace them? God, in all of His great love and wisdom to mankind has created us to complete the work of His kingdom on earth. It all has to get done and will be a lot easier to do when we do what we are designed to do rather than expecting what we cannot deliver.
The good news is that when men and women live according to God’s plan and purposes (set out clearly for us in His Word), peace will reign and God’s will will be done.
There is a lot of unbiblical thinking that has crept into the minds of many Christians. As wives, mothers, teachers, and sisters in the Lord, can we begin to respect our husbands and speak the truth of what God’s Word says about our roles? When we do, we will help to bring peace to the next generation that the last couple have not had because of this cultural shift about God’s plans and purposes for the way He made us.