When our son was in third grade I was helping in the classroom as the teacher was working with the students on a social studies lesson. She talked about how a majority of votes may win an election but that the majority is not always right. She continued to teach that when you feel outnumbered but you know you are right, that you should not change your stance to follow the crowd.
Today, it is apparent that over the last several years a few people started a hard pushback on abortion that had not been seen for many years. (A tiny group became a small group.) This small number of people saw that the slow incremental work of the pro-life movement had only resulted in a form of negotiation for how old the baby could be to kill it. This group wanted to abolish abortion in our nation.
In other words, they wanted abortion to be categorized as God categorizes it – as murder (Exodus 21:22-23; Proverbs 24:11). Many who needed no convincing joined them and they have clearly taught more as the Lord has added to their numbers.
Even a small number of people can leave a very big impression when the Lord is on our side. If He is for us who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?
As delighted as many are about the overturning of Roe Vs Wade, it is not a time to sit back and rest. For those of us in Pennsylvania, there is a still a battle to be fought as each state will make their own law regarding abortion.
One of the positives about this time is that some people may be emboldened to speak the truth they know. There is a video on Facebook of an abortion doctor who opened the first abortion clinic in Mississippi in 1975. She describes the procedure of a first trimester abortion. https://www.facebook.com/liveaction/videos/704336663988660
Her plea is that people not support something they know nothing about – which is why she gives a clear description of the ripping apart of the baby. She said that she left the practice when she realized that time was the only difference between that fetus she was suctioning from a womb and her own four year old son.
Sadly, today, many will just abandon the clinic and order the drugs online that will end their pregnancy. This is another reason that the work cannot stop – the work of sharing the Gospel, of teaching God’s Word, and discipling new believers to fully understand the grace and mercy of God in any and every set of circumstances in life for those who will look to Him in faith.
For the Christian there is pushback to our stance against abortion. Some of it comes from inside the church by those who think it is an “unloving” stance to speak the truth of what so many women have done in committing murder this way.
We must stay the course. Speak the truth and share the Gospel of the love, mercy, forgiveness, and even the justice and judgement of God to those who need to hear it.
The group willing to address this evil may be small but it is making a big impression on our nation. And, the LORD is already on our team – we will not lose the war, even if a few battles leave us a little beaten up.