Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good. 3 John 1:11a
I like to watch how young children imitate their parents. I pay attention to my grandchildren, but also the children of people we know and see frequently enough to notice some of the “family” habits. They share words, hand motions and expressions. Our kids imitate all of these.
Even now, it’s a scary thing to see how much of my mother is in me! I see in her in the mirror and I hear her come out of my mouth.
Are we conscious of what we’re teaching in our everyday words, activities or routines?
When our children were young and the Lord had not yet brought us to saving faith, I had a foul mouth – but only sometimes. I could keep it firmly in check at work. When I came home I would let words “slip” if I was frustrated or angry. I will never forget my less than 18 month old imitating one of those words when she dropped food off her highchair. She used the same tone of voice and her emphasis was identical to mine. It was a wake-up call!
As our children got older I saw that it was not just me they imitated. One day when our daughter was a little older, she had been spending a lot of time with a friend. Her friend’s mother was a screamer when she drove. Any car that did something she did not like, she gave a piece of her mind.
In traffic one day, my own daughter imitated that behavior. It was a teaching moment. (I was horrified!)
Every moment we live around others is a teaching moment, especially if we claim faith in Christ. Do we think about what our words and actions say?
- If we say we believe that God is Sovereign and His Word is true, but refuse to stand up for what is right (a biblical stance on abortion, pornography, gay “marriage,” sex outside of marriage, taxation, or just war), what do others learn about what areas of life God rules over?
- If we say we love our neighbor but treat our co-workers badly or gossip and slander, what does our co-worker learn about Christianity?
- If we teach others that with faith in Christ come peace and joy, but are always complaining about something and fearful of others, what do they learn about Christ’s trustworthiness?
Every Christian should set an example of godly living, especially adults with children within their line of vision or hearing. But, do not be fooled, children are not the only ones watching – and imitating – what they learn from our words and actions.
Are we willing to consider whether we spend enough time with Christ so that we reflect Him even more than our parents?